32. ᴇᴍʙᴀʀᴀssᴇᴅ ᴏʀ ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ ɴᴏᴛ.

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"Ooh Tyullib.." taehyung uttered, he was really exhausted to question the girl, as to why did she arrive here at this time. But then it came to his mind, that the lady has said that she'll come at night to meet him. 'i didn't know she'd be serious..' he thought.

Massaging his temple, he thought for a second, if to go down and give her the attention or to head to his room and get freshen up, ignoring her whole existence.
Shortly, he decided to go on with the second option.

"Dad I'll take a shower, we'll have dinner then okay?" Taehyung asked, pulling out the tugged in t-shirt from his pants. "Okay tae, be down here quickly." The father stated, continuing his conversation with tyullib who was busy eyeing the green eyed male.

Taehyung stormed off to his room in matter of seconds. Leaving a upset tyullib with a sad smile on her face. ' didn't even spare me a glance, how could you be so heartless taehyung..' her heart clenched at the thought.
Her cold fingers ran through her long brune  locks.

"Uncle I think I can help you. You know, to go through this crisis...I can help you." Tyullib said, pushing the shattering feelings aside.
Now was the time, when she had to take her last step. To own Kim Taehyung. Even if she has to force him. Even if it's unfair to him. Even if makes the younger hate her.

"How but... we've lost a huge amount of money and shares. It's impossible to pass through it." Naeyon said, a intense expression on his face, his hand interwined.

"That's upon me, I know ways uncle.. let's have a professional talk tomorrow, don't you think?" The lady offered.

"Okay, I'll ask taehyung to attend..." The man was interjected. "No!...no I mean I want to have the talk with you. It'd be better that way." Tyullib almost yelled, but stopped herself seeing other's bewildered face.

"Fine..where to meet?" Asked Naeyon.
"My company, 9 in the morning." Tyullib stated, hoping for man to agree.

"I'll be there then." And the conversation changed, to taehyung's childhood stories.

The brunette pulled off his clothes, standing underneath the shower, warm clear liquid calming his senses. The stiff and tired muscles relaxing and his heart warmed at the soothing sensetion.

Wrapping a towel around his waist, he came out--completly unaware of the lady in the room, who had already noticed taehyung's arrival.

Seeing the view of the half naked man, she gasped loudly causing the male to turn around instantly.

"What the fuck tyullib, you scared the shit out of me!" Taehyung yelled, placing a hand over bare chest, practically to calm his fast beating heart.

"O-oh t-taeh-hyungg..uncle told me to call you, f-for dinn-er..." Her eyes still exploring taehyung's half naked self, the dripping water droplets from his hair-- fell on shoulders, travelling down to his chest till his tummy-- soaking in the towel. His tan golden skin glistened, causing the lady to gulp her drool away.

"Up here tyullib, my face is up here." Taehyung's eyes seemed a shade lighter, due to the lighting of the room. Causing butterflies to race in her tummy.

Embarrassed, she met with taehyung's eyes."y-yeah?" She asked, finding no words to come out.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and turned to walk towards his wardrobe, taking out a silk dark blue hoodie, paired with same coloured trousers.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and turned to walk towards his wardrobe, taking out a silk dark blue hoodie, paired with same coloured trousers

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