54. ᴍɪssɪɴɢ ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ.

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I've been thinking about making a sequel of this story... I've two options,

1) a book about the taekook's future relationship


2) a book on how taekook's love bloomed, how they met... Or how they fell for each other.

I've both of the books planned in my mind, I just need your suggestions.

And I've so many ghost readers, like duhhh.
Cmon don't be shy and vote/ comm


"PARK CHAEYOUNG! " Taehyung yelled on the top of his lungs, fisting his hands. His eyes darkened, filled with anger and frustration.

The scene in front of his sight was traumatizing,
Shocking. His room, which was pretty much white and grey was lighted with red lights.
His bed sheets which were usually black were red and maroon.

Heart shaped candels were lighten up in the room, in each and every corner. Rose Petals were decorating on the bed, in a shape of heart.
The curtains were flowing with the winds, revealing the pretty ethereal moon In the dark pitch sky.

The nightstand right beside the bed, was more shocking to led your eyes on. Packages of flavored condoms were kept on the table, that too in numerous amounts.

Tyullib gazed at the room, it looked so romantic, so erotic. Just the deeds they can do here had her heart pumping sharply against her chest.

The young maid came running to the male, who glared at her with all fury he had in himself today. " Who the fuck told you to do this?! "
The male snapped angrily.

"y-your father, he t-told me yesterday, to come here before y-you both arrive...and g-get all this ready.. " Chaeyoung answered, fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"j-just get this all cleaned, and fucking throw these away! " Taehyung yelled, causing both the ladies to flinch. The boy was so cringed internally, leaving the room seemed to be the best decision he ever made.

The male collected a pair of black full sleeves t-shirt listed with a pair of black joggers and was about to exit the room but halted when his wife held his arm.

Chaeyoung was busy cleaning the room, dumping the red and maroon stuff in a bag hurriedly. Tyullib had a upset look on her face, as her wedding night seems to be over just yet.

She eyed the maid sadly, seeing all the stuff taken down, her heart slumped. Just when Taehyung was about to leave the room, she stopped him, grasping his arm.

"C-can I sleep with you t-tonight? " the lady questioned softly, nervously. Taehyung looked at her with a straight face, eyes voiding of any emotions but soon were filled with hesitancy.

"No Tyul--" the lady interrupted the brunette, "please.. This will the first and last time I promise.. I just don't want to be left alone on the night of my wedding.. Please? " the lady stared at the boy with expectations and hope.

And Taehyung couldn't just deny the request when he very well knew that the girl won't get anything besides just sleep. And so the green eyed boy nodded his head, agreeing to his bride's request.


Both the couple had changed into their comfortable night wears. Taehyung went for his simple night attire, whereas Tyullib had something else planned.

Grabbing a silk attire, the lady ran to the washroom. Chaeyoung cleaned the room pretty fast, and Taehyung ofcourse didn't forget to apologize for his behavior and thanking the young lady, and by this sweet gesture the younger's green eyed man won the lady's heart.

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