46. ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴇᴅᴅɪᴍɢ ᴄᴏᴜᴘʟᴇ's sʜᴏᴘᴘɪɴɢ.

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I know that this update
Took alot of time, I was busy with
Some personal stuff, I'm sorry.


Taehyung had asked the lady, if she could wait an hour or so until he finishes his work completely. And the lady Gladly nodded her head, happy that atleast the boy is accepting
The shopping date with her.

It wasn't a date specifically, but the lady was on the ninth cloud, not believing the fact that the boy actually agreed. And her excited self, named the event as a date.

After waiting for 2 big hours, which felt like an eternity, the lady heard the male sighing in relief. She was already gazing at the boy noticing his habits, how he tucks the edge of the pen between his lips. how he runs his fingers in his hair, time to time.

"I'm done..should we go now?" the boy questioned, standing up from his seat.
He walked towards the dazed lady, who had her eyes bawled at Taehyung. Waving his pretty hand in front of the girl, he caused the lady to flinch and stare at him confusedly.

"I asked, if you wanna go now?" the male asked avoiding any eye contact with Tyullib.
He just couldn't look in her eyes, afraid of finding the emotions he never wanted to see in there.

Ofcourse the things were different before, he was comfortable with her, but now that he knows--he'd never be able to look at the girl same way, now knowing what feelings she holds for him.

Tyullib stood up from the velvet couch, smoothening her dress. She looked at the boy, who stood atleast one meter away from the her, she frowned, but did the most stupid thing.

She took her steps towards the male, who looked at her, a confused look resting in his green orbs. The lady came close, really close--and engulfed the male in a tight hug. Her arms wrapped around the male's waist as he was towering her.

Taehyung stilled, stiffened. Not exactly knowing what to do, how to react. "hold me back.." the lady whispered against taehyung's neck. Inhaling the male's delightful Vanilla scent.

"you know I can't.. I won't." taehyung said, trying to pull away from the hug, but the lady's grip on tightened around his waist.
"why..? Am I that bad..?" she uttered in a small voice, pulling away from other's neck, as she locked eyes with the green one's.

"it isn't you tyullib..you know the reason.." the male said, looking anywhere but the girl, who's face adopted a downwards tug of lips, eyes glistening with salty liquid.

"what did I do to deserve this taehyung...?
I just want to be embraced, just want to be hold in someone's arms... Am I asking to much?" the tears started running down on her pretty flawless cheeks, she cupped the green eyed boy's face, forcing him to look at her.

Seeing her red cheeks, glistening lips and wet eyes, Taehyung felt a feeling of guilt building up in his heart. He obviously blamed himself for the tears he saw in the lady's eyes.

"I--i know, we weren't supposed to be here, in this situation.. But i-it just happened and Taehyungie I swear it isn't my fault.. I-i didn't do a thing here, it was all planned by my father..

I-i won't force myself on you, I just n-need someone to hold me and take me out of this darkness, darkness of loneliness.. I promise I won't ask for more..i just need your hand to bring me out, please.. Don't push me away.. "
She sobbed, crying all her feelings out--the one's she had bottled up inside her heart, the one's she had built up seeing the green eyed male with his loved one.

Taehyung could feel his neck getting slightly wet, due Tyullib's tears. He closed his eyes, his hand unknowingly patting the lady's head as the other arm was holding her shoulder.

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