47. ʜᴇ ғɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴄᴏɴғᴇssᴇᴅ.

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Taehyung grabbed the ravenatte's hand and pulled him inside the house, pushing him harshly against the wall but his hand was around the younger's head, making sure he doesn't hurts him.

Not even sparing a second, he smashed his lips on the ravenatte's soft ones. Who Gladly pulled the brunette more closer, tightly gripping the slim pretty waist of the other.

Both had their cravings showing up, their craves for each other, each other's touch and bodies. The kiss turned into a sloppy, wet one as the younger started thrusting his tongue inside the elder's mouth.

His hands roaming freely on the brunette's body, one on his middle of back, while the other was inside taehyung's T-shirt, caressing his chest.

Both panted heavily, their chests heaving against each others. But the ravenatte was not done, heck he didn't even started. Changing their positions, as now the brunette was pushed against the wall, the ravenatte smashed his lips on the brunette's neck.

Trailing the moistened kisses down the male's slightly bit of exposed chest. "j-jungkook-ah.. Stop.." the brunette whined, patting the ravenatte's shoulder gently, who didn't seem no where near to unhook his lips from the elder's skin.

"just little more.." jungkook whispered against the brunette's crook of neck, sucking the soft skin of his shoulder. Taehyung knew that his boyfriend won't be stopping any soon, and so he pushed the ravenatte slightly, cupping his face after.

"kook, let's go upstairs." he intertwined their hands, dragging the younger upstairs who had his eyes locked on the brunette, acting weird.

Soon the ravenatte found himself on a big king sized bed, in an unfamiliar room, which actually seemed similar to taehyung's older one. He took a notice of the frame he had gifted hanged on the wall of bed's headboard.

He smiled genuinely showing his bunny teeth, while his eyes went in shape of crescent moons. He turned around to look at his boyfriend, who was taking of his blazer ever so elegantly.

His gawking didn't seem to stop, and Taehyung didn't seem to mind at all. He felt cherished but broken at the time. He has to confess, as soon as possible.

He is selfish, he has always been selfish when it came to jungkook, but this time he couldn't just prioritize himself over his boyfriend. He must tell the other, and decide what to do ahead.

Looking for an exact moment, he plopped on the bed beside the ravenatte, who now turned his side on taehyung's. Not even blinking once, he gazed at the green eyed boy beside him.

He loved The way his cherry lips were jutted in a natural pout, how the mole on his nose enhanced his beauty, how his eyes reflected the glitters and shines. He loved his boy, the word 'love' would never be enough to define his feelings for the older male.

"kook?" the ravenatte was brought out of his daze by the deep honey voice, he loved the most in this whole world. The younger boy hummed, moving his hand on the brunette's tummy, gently brushing his fingers on the soft linings of abs.

"can I ask you something?" the brunette questioned, his voice sounded dull and tired. His beryl eyes never meeting the brown one's as he kept staring at the white ceiling.

Jungkook chuckled softly, laying his head on the brunette's chest, "you already did.. But yeah ofcourse!" he beamed, softly pecking the other's clothed chest who gulped before speaking.

"what.. What if, if we have to break our relationship, because of someone else?" he questioned, but received no reply or response from the ravenatte. Just some faint sounds of breathing.

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