57. ʜʏᴜɴɢ, ɪ'ʟʟ ᴍɪss ʜɪᴍ..

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I shedded tears while writing this... 💔


The television was on, Mrs Jeon sat on the couch, sipping on her green tea while she frequently changed the channels on the television.

As she kept changing a big news channel popped up, an elderly woman screaming at the top of her lungs. "BREAKING NEWS! " she yelled, causing Mrs Jeon to put the remote down onto he table.

"we're sorry to inform our viewers, that today we've lost a precious personality, who had helped our country to gain it's popularity through its best selling goods. The late person is none other than Mr Kim Naeyon, the former CEO of 'the Kim's corporation '.." the Anchor spoke.

The mentioning of the CEO of 'the Kim's corporation ' had goosebumps rising on the lady's body who had been watching the television calmly just before hearing this heartbreaking news.

She hurriedly kept down the cup, and stood up.
"Jungkook! " she shouted, but receiving no response she yelled again, "Jungkook come down! "

The aforementioned male groaned while walking downstairs, his visible eye bags and disheveled hair on display, but seeing his mom's shook expression he questioned, "what's up mom, are you alright? "

"the news.. Did you see it?! " the lady worriedly asked, walking right beside the male. "no.. Why though? " jungkook asked.

"Taehyung.." the lady mumbled, looking down at the floor, suddenly unaware to form any words. Thinking about the brunette's condition right now, she bit her lips nervously.

"TAEHYUNG WHAT?" jungkook yelled, hearing his love's name through his mother's mouth, who held such worried expression on her face.. It had his senses highly alert.

The lady increased the volume of the television,
" Mr Kim's body was found on the Gwanjin bridge, reports say that his car was crashed against a truck yesterday, local police had found his body in a very bad condition, his car too seem to be in a really destroyed state.

We would like to give our deep condolences to Mr Kim Naeyon's, only son, Mr Kim Taehyung--
The young man took over the company just couple of days ago.

The funeral's being held at yangwhajin private graveyard. Many people from the commercial community have been reported to be present at the funeral ceremony.

Atlast we would like to say, Rest in peace, Mr Kim Naeyon." And thus the ravenatte took in deep breath, processing the information just given to him.

Taehyung lost his father, in a matter of a day, just yesterday he got married because his father and his dad is no more in the world. How could this happen? So suddenly.. So unexpected.

"m-mom, My Taehyung..." the boy uttered softly, thinking what his taehyung must going through, his heart clenched, just by imagining the other's condition.

"go to him jungoo, he needs you.." the lady said, softly gripping the male's shoulders who looked in her eyes sensing worry and concern for his boyfriend.

"I'll be off.. " saying so, jungkook rushed upstairs, grabbing a mask and his bike keys and stormed out of the house. Now speeding his vehicle to its highest speed, just so he could capture his baby in his arms and never let him go away.


The boy almost yeeted his bullet away, speeding towards the graveyard's entrance. Seeing so many reporters and journalists, the boy sighed, thanks to heaven, he wore a mask right now.

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