2. ᴛᴀᴇ's ғᴜᴄᴋᴇʀ, ʙᴀʙʏ~

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I like pastels

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I like pastels.❤💫


7:05AM, Monday.

Taehyung's pov

I'm done with making breakfast. Now i need to get ready for university. I can't wait see my kookie now.

I went up to my room and opened my wardrobe to look for some decent clothes. It just took 2 minutes to do so as i don't put much effort into my appearance. I went to the bathroom and took a warm shower. The warm water running over my body just relaxed my muscles. It was soothing.

I was confused between black and white shirt but went for white.

I dressed up in a white cotton shirt paired with light blue skin fitted jeans and white sneakers. My hair as usual messy but still presentable.

I went to our kitchen to pick up the meal box i prepared for my boyfriend

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I went to our kitchen to pick up the meal box i prepared for my boyfriend. I took my car keys from the table in the living room and drove straight to his house.

7:30 AM, Monday.
Jungkook's house.

I knocked on the door of the apartment. He lives in a bunglow right behind our tower. Whereas we, me and father live in condominium.

His mom opened the door, smile occurring on her face after seeing me standing right in front of her.

"Ohh taehyungie! I missed you..how are you?"

"I'm fine mrs jeon, how are you?"

"I'm good too honey, would you like to have breakfast with us,it's almost done."

"No actually i brought breakfast for me and jungkook, we'll have it on our way to university. "

"Oh okay no problem dear. He's still asleep in his room. Please wake him up for me. Will you?"

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