44. ғᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ sɪᴛ ᴅᴏᴡɴ!!

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Isn't this baby just too kind❤🌈

"you're going start a new family here.."

The man uttered gently, "hmm?" he pulled away and spoke, "I found a perfect partner for you son.. "

"and you, are going to get married soon."
The man said with straight stern expression. If it wasn't for his cold tone, taehyung would have thought that he's was kidding .

"Ahh.. Dad stop joking around!" the boy chuckled, trying his luck, to see if his father really joking or not.

But to his dismay, the man held the same look on his face, a more stern one to be exact. The boy came to visit his father, so he could hear him wish him happy birthday.

Yeah the man did, that too really gladly. But the thought this demand from his dad had never crossed his mind.

"no.." the boy took a step back, unable to understand his father's claims. "what no?!"
The man took a step forward, getting closer to his son. The man held authority in his voice, causing taehyung to bow his head down.

"dad..you can't be serious, I can't believe you!" the boy raised his voice, his voice lacking any kind of emotions and his mind just kept repeating one question, what did he do to deserve this kinda treatment on his birthday.

"right now I'm more serious than I've ever been!" the man yelled, his brows furrowed, a frown settling on his face. He knew, he had expected his son to act this way, actually worse.

But taehyung's reaction wasn't that bad at all, he knew he is his son's weakness, and today he was going to use this fact against him. He's been having this in his mind for a while, how he could himself and Taehyung's deceased mother to emotionally blackmail the boy.

His main motive was to get the boy married to the girl in order to get the money and help from the lady. The lady was so obsessed over his son, that she was even ready to give up half of her properties and finances.

The man wondered what his son had, which got the lady's head over her heels. Yes he knew that his son was handsome, pretty too, just say he's ethereal.

but the woman wasn't any less herself. She could find any other man of her choice, she choose to be with. But boy, the father didn't realise that his son was a bright shining gem in this coal dark society.

His green glacier orbs, his tall physic, the body people would die for. And the smile, that rare boxy smile--which neither the father nor the mother had. God knows from where he got that grin. Mr Kim ofcourse hadn't noticed his son's personality closely.

"taehyung, just do as I say, it'd be beneficial for both of us, our lives." the man said, coming forward to the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"dad..you're not thinking straight, I can't just process this, Like.. What the hell is up with you?! Just a moment ago you were wishing me, embracing me, and now you're acting just the opposite.." the boy shook his head, trying to function the swap of the atmosphere. Previously it was so lovely, and now he's dad is coming up with shocking demands.

"for God's sake, I'm not acting! I'm serious about this! I told you nicely, gently. You should have listened but you didn't. So here I'm repeating the same shit for the thousandth time!" the man screamed, his voice so loud, the boy couldn't just stay near him.

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