55. sᴛᴀʏ sᴛʀᴏɴɢ ᴛᴀᴇʜʏᴜɴɢ..

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This... 🐯❤🐰.

My vocabulary is too limited,
I'm sorry 💔🙁.


The green eyed boy, rushed down the lobby, speeding towards the parking lot. Tyullib tried to run behind her husband but chaeyoung awkwardly reminded her of her lusty appearance.

The lady scoffed and quickly went to pull on a oversized dress shirt, running downstairs again.
Leaving chaeyoung to wonder what would have occurred to make this couple storm out like this.

But to her dismay the brunette already went away, speeding up his car to the maximum.
She couldn't just understand the younger's situation right, and that's why the lady mentally scoffed her eyes, wondering where the male went so hurriedly. And her first guess was the ravenatte.


Taehyung hastily drove towards the city hospital, not giving a shit about traffic signals or the vehicles he almost bumped, crashed in. Ignoring the curses he received from the strangers, the boy kept his attention on the road, wishing to reach his destination as fast as he could.

The green eyed boy finally arrived at the hospital, seeing several police vehicles, and Mr Choi talking to one of the officer had his heart pumping sharply against his chest. He could literally hear the beats of his organ.

As he hopped out of the car, all the attention was diverted towards him. People stared at the boy with pitiful eyes, sympathetic look spread on their faces.

The boy didn't give any reaction to the people and sped up to meet officer Wang from whom he had received a call, just a moment ago. People tried to come near him, but the male ignored their existence and walked away.

The way to the 2nd floor seemed longer than the drive he did from his home till here. His senses were messing with his head, creating worst scenarios inside.

The ding sound of the elevator shook him to the core, the boy stormed out and looked for the officer who was standing right beside the elevator, waiting for Kim Taehyung.

"I-I'm sorry Mr Ki--" the man tensely tried to spoke but was cut of in between by Taehyung who worriedly asked the man,

"W-where's he? " the boy stuttered.

The young officer whom Taehyung considered as a close friend stared at the boy, feeling pity for the male. "there, in the room no 201."

Officer Wang directed the male to the room, which was surrounded by several man of the Kim's company, managers and heads were sitting on the seats, while some came to have a talk with the boy, but the officer was kind enough to stop those people from making the male beside him more uncomfortable then he already is, by throwing their sympathy at him.

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