59. ʜᴇ's ʀᴜɪɴᴇᴅ..

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The harsh winds brushed against his flawless body, as it caused the male squint his beautiful orbs. The dark blanket above, expanded infinitely with glitter and sparkles littered all around beautifully.

A dark smile adorned his handsome face, the boy had his arms opened widely, as the wind flew past him. His breathings slow and calm as ever. The starry night stared at him, it has been a habit for the boy now, after finishing his work, he'd always come here. To get the peace, he'd crave for all day.

But somewhere in his heart, he wasn't satisfied, not even a bit. But having no other thing to find him his peace, the boy was happy with what he had right now, with what he received right now.

His lips were swelled up, bruised, crimson red due to excessive biting his did. When does a person bites his lips? When he's trying to seduce someone. When he's nervous, tensed. Lastly when he's trying to hold back he's tears.

And for this green eyed boy, the third and last answer was the reason.

He lost his father. He lost his only family. The only person he looked after.the only person looked after him, was there with him in his up and downs. The person who was part of himself, a part of his heart, his soul, the person who loved him dearly, with no flaws abandoned him, forever.

He still remembers what his father did to him, how heartless he's been. But he can't ignore the previous sacrifices, compromises he did for him.
How he decided to sacrifice his young age, his enjoyment for his little green eyed son. At the age of clubbing, hook ups, he looked after his crying son, lulled him to sleep, told him bedtime stories, went out at midnights, just to get his son's favorite chocolates, even if he was exhausted.

His father has always been kind and loving towards him, if we overlook the recent happenings. He never in his life, raised his voice at his son, he never thought of his son as a burden, as the reason for his exhausting lifestyle. After all this little beryl eyed kid was his only family too, his only loved one too. The only reason for him to get home happily was his son, the look on the kid's face after seeing his father home was priceless, blissful for the elder Kim.

And how we can't forget the fact, that this pretty kid always reminded him of his love, his deceased wife. The beautiful green irises stared at him, with curiousity, with adoration, just like his wife would do. And the boy was his wife's last souvenir, and that's why he protected him even if it his life was at line.

Yes, in his last moments, the man had turned evil after his son, turned heartless for him, heck he even slapped his son, at who he'd never lay his finger. But if we see from his point of view, the man had been deprived of his wife's love, he was craving for it, but he couldn't just find anything to get over the craving, and so he did what he did.

He just wanted to protect his wife's momentos, his wife's remembrances, maybe he overlooked the most closest thing to his wife, his son..just because he was desperate to make her wife happy, to fulfil the promises he made with her.

But Taehyung can't hate his father, not even, if he had taken his heart out and sold it...why? Because the man was a person he loved the most in the world.


"y-you left me... Dad... " the boy said in brokening tone. His eyes filled with thick tears. "you left me all alone in this cruel selfish world.. After tying me up with a person whom I don't even know, w-whom I hate.. " he said mumbled while he bit his already slightly bleeding lip.

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