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Happy Christmas everyone, I hope you all have a fun day today~


Tommy invited Paulie and Sam over so you and him cooked a big meal so everyone will have enough food. He cracked a few jokes, feeling happy today and excited that his two friends will come over for Christmas. Paulie was first to arrive. Sam came an hour later, having had a job to do first, for which Paulie made jokes about, saying he's a bad guest for coming an hour late. Tommy didn't care, he was just happy to finally have people over for Christmas and not celebrate it all alone in his old apartment like he had years ago while he was still a poor taxi driver and nothing more. Dinner was fun, all had a good time talking and laughing.


He was just happy to finally have a day off work, only to curse when Sam called with a job. He angrily asked who makes someone work on Christmas as he pulled his jacket on, assuring you he will be back as soon as possible before he hurried away. When he came back, he had Christmas cake and a gift, apologizing for having to work on this day. He excitedly held the gift to you, telling you to open it already because he's certain you will like it. When you opened it and said you like it, he cheered, proudly saying he knew you would like it.


While Tommy drove him after a job, he told Tommy to stop at a store because he has to buy you some gifts. As he shopped for a gift for you, he was annoyed, unsure what you would want and wanting to pick something you will like and be useful. When he got a few streets away from his house, he thanked Tommy for the drive before walking to his house. He greeted you as he entered the house before he put the gift under the tree. Once it came time to open the gifts, he felt nervous, sipping his glass of wine, hoping you will like it. When you happily said you like it and also go thim a gift, he smiled, saying he's happy you like it before chuckling, saying you didn't have to get him anything.


He got a ton of cash so he wanted to show it off, so he bought a huge Christmas tree. When you asked him how you will both reach the top to decorate it, he stared before he groaned and said he will go ask a ladder from the neighbors. He invited Joe and Henry over. When they arrived, he greeted Joe with a hug and Henry with a handshake. It was fun, all talking and laughing. It ended with Vito and Joe drunk because Joe kept challenging him to a drinking contest until Vito couldn't refuse. So you helped Henry drag Joe to his car. Henry thanked you for the meal before driving away to get Joe home. You were left to take care of a drunk Vito, who was drunkly singing Christmas songs in a mumble.


He bought a big Christmas tree. When you asked him how he got it in the apartment, he laughed and told you not to worry about that and help him decorate it. You both didn't really celebrate the day, just laid on the sofa, drinking beer, watching the tree. When you asked him why he even bought a tree if he isn't gonna celebrate the day, he shrugged and said it seemed like a fun idea. Then he remembered something so he got up, feeling a bit tipsy before he walked away and returned with a bag, telling you he bought you a gift. It was a very good gift, which made you smirk and ask if Vito helped him pick. Joe huffed and asked if that's important, not wanting to admit he had to ask Vito for help picking out a gift.


He was very busy with work so he barely had time to buy a gift, he had to manage to buy some stuff on Christmas day, which was difficult because everything was almost gone, and he grew annoyed because he has no idea what you would like and if it will be useful. Once he finally found a few things he thought would be good gifts, he hurried home. He laid the gifts under the tree before greeting you with a smile, giving you a kiss on the temple and apologizing for having to work so much on the holidays.

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