They break up with you to keep you safe and away from danger

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He thought of all ways to do it, unsure what to do. He didn't have the heart to do it harsh, you don't deserve that. But if he does it soft and gentle you will try to make it work and just worry something's wrong, reasonably so. He didn't even plan to announce it as you two ate dinner, but it slipped out. "Let's break up". You immediately stopped eating, just staring at him, fork halfway to your mouth. Slowly it lowered then you asked "What?".

He rambled, trying to make you understand that it's not you but him and he just thinks you both need to see other people. You told him it makes no sense so he stared at you then whispered "I know". You gave him a look as if he's insane then got up and stormed away, unable to believe what you are hearing. Safe to say he didn't finish his plate; just stared at it then groaned before smacking his head with his hands, wondering why his life is becoming like this.


He went over it in his mind so many times. He's not sure how he came to the final conclussion, but he did. He has to get you away from here; away from him. And not just only because of his job but because he knows he has some screws loose. You deserve a guy with all his screws in place. So as you stopped by he just blurted it out; "It's over."

You thought he meant something else so asked what he's talking about. So he clarified "we are over". You began asking what he means, why, what happened. He didn't answer most, always just a shrug and "just because". Soon it turned to you shouting that you want a solid, good reason so he shouted back he just doesn't feel like continuing this so get lost and get far away from him. Your mind was all over the place and now were just shouting at each other so you stormed out the place.


He just met up with you, said "we are done", then gave you the bag of the stuff you left at his. He did it harsh so he's sure you will be so offended and angered that you won't care to come back to him, and so don't come back to the danger. He doesn't talk about it to anyone, even if Paulie or Tommy ask or assure him he can talk, he just changes topic. He acts as if he doesn't care but every night it keeps him awake, haunts him. If anyone asks him the dumbest thing he ever done: this is the one.


Shit after shit kept happening so he realized now might be better than doing it when you two are happy and going strong. It made more sense this way. He had to try to block out you promising you two can work through all of this like you two have always done and it's silly to end it here because of things neither can control. The second you left his house with your bags he destroyed the bedroom, shouting various curse words, then cried so many tears. All the tears he kept in for so long since, even before, the war.


He had you sit on the couch while he paced before it, rambling on and on. But you got the main point: you two are breaking up. His heart broke when you began asking him if you did something wrong, promising him you'll fix it. He crouched down, taking your hands, assuring you you have never done anything wrong but he has so you deserve someone better.

It wasn't working, you kept saying such good comebacks that made sense and melted his heart, so he hardened his heart and said the most painful words: "I don't love you anymore". That immediately shut you up, only a whispered "ow...". The no words were worse than even cursing him out. You got up then left. He cursed, punching the couch then dropped his head on it, tears sliding down, whispering he's so sorry.


He decided to do it public so any enemies can see his ties with you are cut and you mean nothing to him anymore. So he took you to dinner. Halfway he told you, firm but soft; "I thought about this a lot, and I think we should break up." He gave some solid reasons. In reality he never saw these reasons as actual reasons to break up, he can't even believe he's doing this, but it helped made sense why he's doing this.

As tears formed in your eyes he gave you his handkerchief, saying a "I'm sorry it had to come to this". To be extra cruel he got up, said a firm: "Goodbye. I wish you luck with your next relationship. You deserve it." then he walked out.

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