When you give them flowers

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People, men deserve flowers and compliments, too! Everyone deserves to feel loved and good looking.

I have Archive of Our Own now! Same username~


Makes him a blushing, mumbling mess each time with nervous laughs. He's never receiving flowers so he has no clue how to put flowers properly on display. So he just puts it in a big glass as he doesn't even own a vase then in middle of table.


"Oooh! For me?!" he asks, knowing damn well each time it is. He will take it to work, show it off, and walk the streets with it confidently, asking anyone looking what their issue is and that's he's not gonna give them away but received them.


He covers his reddening face with a hand, claiming he told you to stop this. Of course he likes it but imagine if anyone heard. He can already hear all the jokes and feel other men regard him as less.


This shit gets him feeling like a teenage girl with a crush. He feels ready to lay on a bed, kick his legs and giggle. He finds himself cutting the ends, putting in a pretty vase he bought specially for this, and putting it out for display.


It'll always make him laugh by how adorable and sweet it is. He'll put it down carefully then pull you in a bear hug, thanking you so genuinely.


An awkward laugh as he takes it, looking as if you are pulling a prank. Every single time. He just can't believe it. Eventually he began accepting, and will even tell people that his partner gets him flowers. He's proud of this.

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