When they walk in on you changing

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He entered then stared, having no clue what to do. You said his name in a gasp, but he didn't reply so you awkwardly waved your hand in front of him, worriedly asking if he's okay. When he snapped out of his shock, he cursed and turned, saying he's sorry and he totally did not mean to enter like this before he awkwardly mumbled he will leave now. When he was outside, he walked away in a hurry, only to hurry back to the door to say he's sorry again to make sure you know he's not a pervert and he totally did not mean to barge in on you changing before he hurried away.


He entered before laughing, saying this is a nice sight. When you told him to get out, he huffed and said he's your boyfriend so no need to be shy before he flopped down on the nearest furniture and watched you getting changed. Once you were done, he laughed and said you should do that more because watching you change is fun and sexy to watch.


He needed to say something important so he stormed in, forgetting you were changing inside. So when he saw your half naked figure, he stared, only to turn and apologize when you yelled his name. He awkwardly said sorry again before telling you the important thing he had to say, trying to sneak a glance over his shoulder. When you replied, he nod before he left, feeling very awkward. He loves seeing you naked since he thinks you are very beautiful, but accidentally storming in on you changing was a very awkward encounter that took him off-guard.


He walked in, only to curse and turn, saying a sorry. When you yelled his name, he held up his hands, saying he said sorry and it was an accident. He waited till you said you are done changing so he looked over his shoulder, making sure that's true before he fully turned to you so he can talk to you about what he needed to talk about.


He stormed in before happily saying hello in a flirty tone when he saw your half naked figure. When you yelled his name and told him to get out, he just laughed as he left. While he waited outside, he wore a smug grin, your half naked figure very visible still in his mind.


He entered and turned so quickly he hit the doorframe so he spend a good minute cursing up a storm as he held his nose. When you nervously asked if his nose is okay, he held up his hand to signal it's okay and to hurry up getting changed. Once you were changed, he glanced to make sure you are dressed before he looked at you, admitting he forgot why he entered and now he thinks he just needs a tissue to stuff up his nose to stop this damn nosebleed.

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