When you kiss their wounds better

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After an exhausting day, where he got wounded as well, it is nice to flop on the couch and have a partner who comes over to shower him with love and sweetness that makes him smile then wrap his arms around you and hold you close.


Of course he loves to be babied by you! He's gonna come running to you to have his wounds kissed better and get your comfort. He watches with a grin as you take the body part and give aside the wound a kiss, which has him then giggling.


"This is dum-what the fuck". It went from him unamused and wondering if you realize how unhygenic this is to amazed it's actually relieving the pain. So now when he needs an annoying stinging wound fixed he comes to you.


He finds it silly each time, but later on found it sweet for another reason. After his mother passed and you do this it brings him right back to when he was a kid with a wound and his mom would give it a kiss better. So it's a bittersweet thing.


Laughs about it each time, but damn does it work! He always jokes you have magic so when he comes to you with a wound he says: "Work your magic". It's just sweet and silly that makes for amusing moments.


He doesn't believe in this stuff but it does fix the stinging and make his grumpy face into a smiling one. The body's pain is fixed now so to fix the head's pain he pulls you close to hold you and just remember he made it back so all is fine now.

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