How they feel about dancing (+slow dancing)

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Nikol0292764 requested a slow dancing scenario so I added it in this one.


He doesn't mind dancing, but will do it in a small, simple way to not attract too much attention but still have fun. He will dance any type, so long you are there to do it with him so if he is doing it terribly then at least can both be foolish.

He likes to slow dance with you. Hold you close, whisper sweet things as you two move around slowly; all chaos now settled for a few moments, just you two in this moment.


He loves dancing as if no one is watching, but not slow dancing. It's too slow, he feels as if he'll stumble, he's always looking down to the feet; getting the steps messed up in his head and so creating a new step routine. It starts proper, goes messy, and so it ends up with him saying 'fuck it' and dancing however he wants; usually the dance but then just in a more energized, wild manner.


He doesn't really dance, it would have to be at an event if everyone is doing it and would look odd if he didn't. Or maybe, if he's really happy and energized and music is playing somewhere he might move his body a bit to it.

This doesn't mean he doesn't like it; he does like when you two can slow dance during fancy events. Makes him feel like on top of the world with the best partner at his side. He feels as if everyone is watching and he likes it, it feeds his ego and his desires of becoming a more powerful figure in the city.


He doesn't mind going out to dance, he likes it. He likes to think he's decent enough. Usually takes your hand to involve you as it's much more fun than alone.

He learned to use slow dancing as a way to deal with his stress and when he recalls the bad things he has been through. He will hold you close, swaying as music plays softly in the background. He doesn't say much, simply holds you close with his temple to yours, he doesn't find there needs to be as this close intimacy says enough.


Of course he loves to dance! He loves to party, and dancing is part of it! He loves to blast music and dance his heart out to whatever is playing. If he has enough beers in his system he will even try to do ballet or a traditional dance that requires a lot of training to accomplish.

So slow dancing is no issue for him. He will gladly take your waist, pull you flush to him, and sway with you, whispering sweet nothings to you with some light jokes thrown in. He loves it because he can see your smile, laugh, eyes up close now. Especially when he compliments you and he can see how your face shifts as you process it or when he says a good joke that he can see the smile lines form.


He will dance along a bit when there's a good song on. He won't do full out dancing, just bit of swaying and small movements. But when there's a classic song on that can be slow danced to he will gladly hold his hand out, asking if he may have this dance then lead you to an open area and dance with you. He knows the steps, chuckling about things with you or just enjoying the comfortable silence where the love can be felt in the air. He will give a kiss or two, whispering he loves you or of future things with you that you two have been discussing.

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