When you help them button their shirt and tie their tie

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It makes him feel flustered and so appreciated. He's never sure what to do or say during it so he's a bit awkward and nervous. But he likes it a lot. Once you are done he gives you a kiss, thanking you. It just feels so much more special when you do it for him.


He feels so giddy and loved when you do it! He gets this goofy grin during it that makes you laugh and gladly do it every single time. He'll be excitedly rambling about all kinds of things. At work he proudly brags about how his partner helped him get ready.


He's more focused on 'ugh, work' so he's half processing you even helping out. Once done he thanks you, giving your cheek a kiss then sighing a goodbye and going to work. He gladly returns the favor to you when you need help getting dressed.


He finds it amusing and likes it a lot. He doesn't wear too many suits, rather keep it for special stuff as it makes it feel extra and fun as well, so this adds an extra layer of special and fun to it. He can appreciate you so hard in moments like these.


He will constantly be making dumb jokes, that somehow they still work to make you laugh. He will purposefully undo the lower buttons as you do the top ones, just so you'll have to spend more time helping him.


He finds it handy, then he can enjoy his coffee longer before he has to go to work or read the paper. And it's some quality time where both peaceful, maybe some small talk. He'll fix your clothes then gives you a kiss, wishing you luck with your day so you wish him luck back with his. Both share a 'I love you' and another kiss then he goes to work.

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