If you had a kid before them

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He was very awkward at first, and still so at times. But he tries his best to take care of them. It makes him so happy to come home to be welcomed by you and your kid. He likes to buy things for the kid so you had to warn him not to spoil them too much. Sam is already tired of Tommy always talking about his new child.


He likes having the kid around but he doesn't think he's a good parental figure. So he, without meaning, avoids the kid or only around the kid when you are around. When left alone with the kid silence or an awkward "sooo" or many "euhm"s as he tries to think what to talk about with the kid.


He doesn't really care more than should. Basically they just get along and live in each other's circle. He will pick them up from somewhere if you ask him or lecture them but nothing too deep. He will talk with the kid if they clearly need a male figure to chat with. Maybe he just needs more time so just let him do it at his pace.


He loves them as if they are his own. He takes them to diners, teaches them things a father should, scolds them. At first he never felt it was his place to do so but second you gave him the permission he's correcting all that needs it because he's not gonna be raising some brat.


He loves the kid; always joking with them and taking them eating unhealthy foods. But after Marty he had a difficult as Marty felt like a brother, someone he had to watch over, but failed so now he doesn't feel as if he deserves to watch over your kid. So after that less jokes, more forced ones, and no more hanging out with the kid alone.


He loved that kid as if his own. Always talked with them, made sure they are okay, helped with their homework. The day he died he felt terrible he was gonna be yet another parent figure who abandons the kid. He just wished he could have held the kid one last time, and assured them this isn't their fault.

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