When you come home from a very exhausting day at work

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He watched as you sat at the door, slowly pulling your shoes off, feeling as if no energy was left in you. When he saw it, he chuckled and crouched down, helping you with your other shoe, asking you how your day went. As you mumbled about it, he didn't really get everything but he nodded anyway while helping you up. When you collapsed on the sofa, muttering you are never moving again, he chuckled and told you to just relax and rest some. As you relaxed on the sofa, he took care of dinner.


Paulie's a very energtic guy, but if he can see you are too tired to handle his energtic personality, he will calm down a bit, asking you how your day was while taking your jacket and hanging it up. As you flopped on the sofa, saying too exhausting nd you don't think you have energy left to cook, he chuckled and said that sounds like a good reason to order some pizza. So as you fell asleep on the sofa, he ordered you two some pizza.


He returned from a job the Don send him on, only to stare in confusion as you were trying to open the front door but kept twisting the key wrong so he walked over before taking your hand and twisting it the right way, asking you with a chuckle how tired you are to make such a mistake. As you dropped your head on his shoulder, saying very and you have no energy left, he pulled the key out the door and pushed you softly inside, telling you to go rest some then before you collapse.


He will chuckle as he sees you flailing your foot to try and get the shoe off, too exhausted to do it properly so he will crouch down and take your shoes off for you. Once that was done, he got up and helped you take off your jacket before he told you to go rest a bit, he will take care of dinner. As you walked by, he wrapped his arm around you to stop you and give you a kiss, telling you to rest well and he will call when dinner's ready then he let go.


When he came home, he knew he would come home at the same time as you, but was confused when he didn't see you at outside or at the front door. As he entered, he saw you lying on the sofa. He chuckled and asked if today was tiring. When you hummed, he leaned down, saying to at least give him a kiss. So after you gave him a kiss, he left and returned with a blanket and threw it over you, patting your head softly to say "rest well" before he left to the kitchen to go eat something.


He will walk over, asking you how your day was before chuckling when you leaned on him with no energy left making him ask if it was that exhausting. When you hummed, wrapping your arms around him, he gave the top of your head a kiss before telling you to go rest a bit, he will take care of dinner. When you said you want to stay like this for a bit longer, he hummed and let you hold him for a bit longer. When you finally pulled away, he told you to go rest now before he left to go make dinner.

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