When you burn your hand while cooking

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I really hope the rumor of Mafia 4 is real because I'm already excited for it because they say it will be taking place in 1970s in Las Vegas.


He was quick to pull your hand away from the heat, worriedly asking if you are okay while hurriedly opening the sink and checking if the water isn't warm and a bit cold before he put your hand under it, telling you to just focus on your hand and he will finish cooking. After a few minutes, you pulled your hand away so he asked you if your hand is okay. When you said just a small burn wound, he sighed in relief and said you really made him worry before he told you the food is ready.


He freaked out, asking you a few times if you are okay while turning the sink as cold as it would go. When you told him that's too cold, he was quick to turn it to the right temperature. As you held your hand under it, he let out an awkward laugh, pointing to the food, saying it's burned now since you both weren't focused on it. Before you could say anything, he was already at the telephone, saying he will order some pizza then.


He cursed when you suddenly flinched and yelled before he asked you what happened. When you told him you burned your hand, he was quick to tell you to put it under water then. When you tried to continue cooking, he asked you if you are serious and told you not to continue or you will get yourself harmed again. But when you told him it's just a small wound and you can still use your hands, he let you, mumbling not to whine if you hurt yourself again because he warned you.


He cursed and quickly snatched your wrist, tugging you so wildly to the sink you stumbled. He held your hand under the water, asking you why you did that. When you said it's not as if you meant for it to happen, he just ignored what you said and left and returned with some lotion for the wound. After this incident, he kept the lotion in one of the drawers so if you burn yourself again, you can easily and quickly get it and treat your wound.


He was quick in the kitchen when he heard you curse in a pained tone. When you said you burned your hand, he couldn't help but chuckle, asking you what you did as he turned the sink on so you can put your hand under some water. The next time you cooked, he jokingly asked if you are sure you can do it alone and don't need oven mitts to prevent burning yourself.


He stopped you before you could burn your hand. You were so deep in your thoughts when suddenly he took your hand tightly causing you to flinch and quickly look. He held oven mitts to you, telling you not to be so deep in your thoughts will cooking or you will harm yourself. It was only then that you realized you were so deep in your thoughts you didn't even notice you were about to pull the metal tray out the oven with no oven mittens on.

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