When you want to work for a don

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I wrote this quickly but I hope it's still somewhat good.

Requested by: Paulie-Lombardo


He didn't like it at all, he tried to convince you out of it but you were determined. He groaned and paced around, trying to think of how he can convince you to get out, but he couldn't think of anything. When you finally joined, he's always the first to volunteer if you need someone to help you on a job.


He let out a nervous laugh when you first told him, really hoping this is some joke and you aren't actually in this business. When he was sure it isn't a joke, his laughter stopped and told you people die in this business and it's illegal. When you told him he's in the same business, he stared before doing a "meh" motion, mumbling he doesn't really care if he dies or gets arrested, he's more worried that those things would happen to you. He will always be worried about these things for you but you still joined and while he doesn't like the idea, he does like that he can hang out with you during work and make silly jokes with you on the job.


He just frowned when he learned but didn't say anything. He wasn't sure what he could say to convince you otherwise because you had that look that says he won't be able to convince you otherwise and he's in the business as well. He didn't even think you could make it because only the top best can work for and with the don. He still doesn't talk with you about the jobs he gets send on though. The best you get is when you ask how his work is going and he says good.


He didn't think this was a smart idea, but who was he to talk? He's also working for a don. If you want to work for the same Don, he will like that because then he can at least keep an eye on you and make sure you don't do anything stupid and keep you safe.


He will try to talk you out of it, trying to joke about it and how dangerous it is. When you made your convincing points, he was unable to deny before he sighed and said to at least always be on guard and always carry a piece with you. He taught you everything he learned so far for working for a don so you can be more prepared.


He disagreed with this but didn't say anything, just let you be, telling you everything you would need to know and useful tips. If you both work on similar jobs or the same jobs, he will tell you about it or give you some advice he thinks can be useful for you.

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