You call them, drunk and crying, wanting them to pick you up

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He was about to eat lunch when you called. His first question at hearing your drunk tone was why you are drinking in the middle of the day. So you went on a ramble about how some stuff went bad so your friend took you to cheer you up but now you regret it and want to go home but you can't drive and everything is getting crowded and people are looking. He was quick to tell you to calm down before assuring you he's coming so stay put, don't wander off, and don't go with anyone even if they promise to help you. In response he got a grumbled "I'm not a child" so he chuckled he knows but just making sure.

When he arrived he jogged to the bar in a hurry then entered to see you crying with your head on the bar, getting a new drink so he was quick to take the drink and slide it back to the bartender, assuring you won't be needing this then he took your arm gently and pulled you with him, saying he's finally here so let's go home. You stared at him then hugged him, humming he's here so he hummed back in response while guiding you out. He took you home, where he gave you some water then medicine for later, then gave your cheek a kiss and promised it's okay now. He held you until you fell asleep, then he sighed as now he's stuck holding you and he's so hungry as he left his lunch to come help you.


He got woken up by the ringing of his phone so he picked it up, asking with a yawn what and who calls at this hour. He was wide awake when he heard you sniffing and saying you want to go home. He was quick to ask what's wrong and where you are. You explained that you went to the bar for some drinks but now are lonely and afraid as you didn't think you would stay this long and it's gotten very crowded. He sighed then yawned before assuring he's already on his way.

When he arrived he couldn't find you right away so he had to go on a hunt for a bit, when he finally found you. He scolded you, asking why you would run away when you know he was coming, but you reasoned that you wanted to walk to him so he doesn't have to drive so far. He stared then laughed, saying that's very nice but you are walking the wrong way. He took your waist and guided you the right way, asking if you are already feeling better. The way back to his place he kept making sure you are okay, promising he will beat whoever upset you. You fell asleep almost immediately when you hit his bed so he sighed then flopped aside you and fell back asleep, happy he's finally back in his bed again.


You called him, saying you drank too much. He was confused so he just said an "okay?", but then he understood when you began crying it was fun but then these people came in and your friends left so now you are scared and need him. He asked if you want to go home so you cried yes. He sighed but told you he will come. He was at work so he had to try and explain to the don, though luckily the don understood and he had nothing going on so he was allowed to quickly go get you back to the safety of your home.

He scolded you a bit upon arriving as he was worried the whole time so you apologized while whimpering. He sighed then assured you it's fine, but next time to go drinking only with him or some good friends who won't just leave you. On the ride to your house he sometimes reached over to pet your hair, assuring it's okay now and to rest at home. He dropped you off, repeating to drink some water and rest, then he left to go back to work.


He was already getting his jacket and key, assuring you he's coming so stay put. How handy having a phone to take with him would be! He reminded you to go with no one and just wait at the bar.

He rushed to you; a bit paranoid as you are drunk, alone, and vulnerable right now so it wouldn't be surprising if someone tried to take advantage of you right now. Luckily this was not the case when he arrived, the bartender was even making sure you stayed put and safe so Vito thanked the bartender while pulling you with him. You didn't want to go anymore so he sighed then just picked you up bridal style before carrying you to the car, telling you if you can't make up your mind then he will just decide for you.


At first he was chuckling, thinking you are simply drunk, but when he began hearing how truly upset and scared you are he was quick to stop laughing and assure you he's coming right away so don't worry baby. You asked if he really is so he said of course.

When he arrived he had to scare of some guy trying to buy you more drinks then took your arm and pulled you with him, saying "let's get you home, babe". You just held him, crying against him, rambling on about things so he kept humming while helping you onto the passenger seat. As he drove he would rub your thigh, comfort you with some nice words. At home he gave you a glass of water, telling you to drink. As you did he pulled off your extra layers of clothes and shoes then told you to go sleep it off.


He was about to fall asleep as he had to wake up early so he crawled into bed earlier, but then the telephone rang. He stared ahead, wondering if he can just sleep through it but then thought it might be work so he got up and accepted the call. He was a bit shocked when he heard your voice instead of someone at work. You cried to him about a lot of stuff he couldn't make out so he asked you to slow down then asked why you are calling him. You finally calmed down, sniffing about how you want him to pick you up. He asked how you got there so you cried a friend but they left because they got a one night stand chance and you are lonely and scared now so want him.

Of course he went and got you. As he put you in the car he said you better realize how special you are to him that he's ruining his sleep and free time for this. You gave him a little pout so he gave you a kiss, sighing he can't stay mad at you then went to the driver's seat. 

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