You decide to follow a course to pursue something

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I got bored, wanted to meet more people, and felt as if I wasn't achieving anything so I signed up for a course and am now following a half year course. Been three times (every Tuesday) and it's very fun. So if you ever feel this way I suggest looking into pursuing a course that seems interesting.


He was supportive immediately. Also because it's kind of useful for when he has to leave suddenly that you can't know or question it. Also just nice to have the peace and then have something to talk about and listen to. He does enjoy seeing you pursued something. You look much more joyous and feel as if you are on the right path so that makes him happy to see.


He giggled when you told him, asking why you are doing this and that it's such a waste of time. He complained he would never want to sit in a classroom ever again yet here you are willingly going. When you return from your classes he always asks how it was; curious. If you met another man there he does get jealous and even so much that he wonders if he should also sign up.


He can't imagine signing up for something just because of boredom. But when you both got into an argument and you admitted to how useless you feel and as if you aren't doing anything you want he understood. Not much is spoken of it, just when you return he asks 'how was it' and that's kind of it.


He'll drive you. He likes the experience of it; makes him feel like a good boyfriend and he likes to watch you give him a quick kiss then hurry out the car to go learn to go do what you want. He'll also pick you up; opening the door for you and asking how it was. He likes seeing you pursue what you want. When he can't pick you up he feels bad and makes sure you do have a way to return home safely. Makes him wonder if he should go pursue anything but wouldn't know what.


He made many jokes of it when you first brought it up but he supports you 110%. He'll even pay for it if you want. He asks you many questions, curious to who else is there and how it works. He also likes to learn more things himself so he listens fully as you explain how it went and what you learned that day.


It's your life so you do with it whatever you want. It does bring some joy to see you pursuing what you want and working hard for it. He likes hearing the stories of what happened and the people you met as it gives a nice new pace from his usual only hearing and seeing crimes.

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