When you wake them up in the middle of the night to ask a silly question

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I thought I published this two days ago...


"Wha-what's wrong?! What...? W-what are you sayi-" then a long groan of your name as he snuggles back to the bed, telling you to ask him in the morning and go to sleep.


He can handle and do a lot of insane behaviour, but disturbing a man's sleep for something so silly is not even a line he crosses! He's ready to just kick you out the door at those moments! So he will warn you in a weird scramble of words then go right back to sleep, having never opened his eyes properly.


He will stare with half open eyes, not even processing, then just hums and says "that's nice" and goes right back to sleep. Only in the morning while sipping his coffee does he start to wonder what you were saying at night.


"Yeah no, shut up." he hugs you close, stuffing your face against his shoulder so your voice is muffled. He just holds you tight so can't escape and your weird questions turn to complaining but then soon acceptance and go to sleep.


"Shut u... Wait..." Slowly his brain begins processing it then he sits up, a look of pure wonder, repeating the question then asking it of you so you argued you don't know as you asked him. So both end up calling Henry or Vito, who both curse you two out to leave them alone and go to sleep.


"..." You just got him staring at you with the most 'are you being serious' look then he just moves the blanket higher up you till your nose, whispering to go to sleep then closes his eyes.

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