When you take them ice skating

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I made a Justice League x Reader scenario book.

Idea came from: IDunnoImJustHere


He was awkward and wobbly at first but grew quite good at it fast. He likes the romantic aspect of it. So became normal to go skating on the weekends then cuddle once home with a cup of hot chocolate milk to warm up.


He got so excited! Even spend money to have his own skates so he can do this every winter. He fell a lot, with a loud 'oof' and other strange noises that leave you both unable to move from laughter and usually even falling more as all focus and balance is lost.


He laughs it off, telling you to go enjoy yourself and assuring he will watch from the side. So at first you do, bit upset he's not joining, so skate to him where he stands at the side then ask him again. He sees how forlorn you look so he ends up agreeing to join.

He always ends up being glad he ended up doing it because it's fun and both laugh quite a bit.


This man can do everything, including this. It left you unamused and him very amused. He discarded it as probably having a trained body so finding balance and control was very easy for him. He actually found himself enjoying this a lot: taking your hand and both skating around almost as if figure skaters. He grew confident so tried some twirls, wild stops, etc but usually ended up crashing down; which he just laughed off.


He's telling himself not to fall or his fat ass will break the damn ice! He can make that joke, no one else. So he was very stiff and awkwardly on the ice, begging himself not to fall. When you fall he laughs so much but pulls you up. Sometimes doing so causes him to do a weird trying to run movement to then collapse aside you.


He doesn't do it often but if the ice is thick enough and he has nothing better to do, and you ask enough, he'll join. He always sees it as a hassle at first but once doing it is glad he did it. Afterwards he will bundle you up in many layers, rubbing your arms, asking if you had fun.

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