Whenever you steal food off their plate

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He doesn't mind, will just be confused for a second then chuckle before asking if you wanna switch or want more of this. Though this would be different if he still was poor, then he would have been annoyed as food is already such a hard thing to buy and now you are stealing it. But once he had a decent income he will gladly share the food with you because now he knows he can always just get some more whenever he feels like it.


He will let out a weird noise, usually mouth full. He doesn't like it, loving every single piece of his food so being upset when it gets stolen. Though if he has food he doesn't like that much he will just push the plate a bit to you, saying he wouldn't mind you take it now, trying to hint you may gladly steal his food now.


He will just give you unimpressed eyes, asking if you are a little kid or something. He won't stop you, he will just be unimpressed but let you be and continue eating his meal. When you keep doing it that's when he tells you to stop it and waves your hand away with his.


He will stare, processing it, then point his fork, saying Joe warned him for lovers like you. And each time it makes you laugh because of how blunt he says that, which makes him smile in return then go back to eating.


He will look at you as if you just betrayed him, as if you just pulled the trigger and shot him right through his heart. Now he will either steal food off your plate in return to make it even or he will put his arms in front of his plate, telling you you got your own food so stay off.


He has this weird skill he got after a while of you doing this: being able to block you on time. So when you reach your fingers or fork over to steal he has already blocked you with his fork, usually without even looking, and tells you you have your own food. Though if you give him puppy eyes or beg he will sigh and slid the plate to you.

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