If you like shopping

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It's great shame as man if he can't give you all the money to spend to your heart's desire. So that was motivation for him to work hard in his new job. Now he insists you take his money when you go, though he does ask you not to spent it on anything you don't need.


He tags along but buys nothing. He's mainly here if you promise to also eat somewhere as that is the best part. He will point out all the silly things. Hold up all the colorful clothes, snickering you should wear this.


He tags along just to pay and show off to all he's your man and a provider. But once it takes too long you'll know by how he's sighing, groaning, arms crossing, foot tapping. He can be patient but he doesn't want to be here three hours just shopping. Take a coffee break and he can go a bit longer again without his impatience and annoyance growing.


He might come along but only if he also needs something. He will carry all your bags, pay, and just try to be good company. Though after a while he does start asking when you are done, how you can do it this long and find such joy in it.


He also likes shopping! So can both spend hours going from store to store, meal break, then more shopping, buying a snack, then more. By end of day both bought stuff you most likely don't need and are exhausted so by the time home both just flop on the couch and doze off.


He might tag along, he might not; depends on his mood and what his week schedule is. If he comes along he mostly just hangs back, watches you having a good time, and jokes while paying. If he doesn't come along then when you return he will ask what you got and how much you spent.

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