They come home so late you are angry from worry

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He hates days like these. He knows arguing will happen. He knows sometimes a relationship requires it to get things back to normal and in balance but doesn't make it any less hateful or make him want to stay away longer to avoid it.

So once he's got his thoughts gathered, his reasons well lined up, he enters. Before you can say anything he approaches, promising he didn't do it on purpose and he knows he worried you sick. So you argued back, asking why he does it then if he knows you worry sick, so he argued back he doesn't do it on purpose and sometimes work just gets dragged out.

After a while of arguing back and forther it calms down and both end up on the couch, holding each other; him softly petting your hair and apologizing. He gives your forehead a kiss, able to imagine all the worries that would have gone through your mind with each minute that passed without him here.


He didn't see the issue, and he gets defensive when someone accuses him so he just got angry as well. So it turned from arguing to shouting and being angry with each other for real and not out of worry anymore. When you yelled you thought he got in an accident and was now dead he asked what kind of sense that makes so you shouted back it makes sense in the way of him not being home for two hours even past the hour he usually returns.

It took a lot of minutes before both calmed down and began understanding each other's logic. He doesn't want to feel tied down to report every move to someone and he was just too busy to call, but you were understandably worried. So both talked it out, assuring each other of the worries you both have and how to fix them. To make up the night ended quite fun in the bedroom.


He can sometimes run later but never three hours. You were sick with worry, pacing; wondering if you should call his friends at this point as you couldn't reach him in the normal places. As you made up your mind to go to his usual places he could be at; suddenly the door opens and in walks the very man you been worrying sick over.

He wanted to speak but instead a pillow hit his face and you yelling at him that you are nauseous from worry. He sighed then went to the kitchen, telling you he's sorry. You claimed sorry doesn't cut it so he asked what you want him to say or do instead. He poured a cold glass of water then held it to you, telling you that work got stretched longer than expected but all is fine. You didn't look convinced so he took your hand and put the glass in it, then lifted his shirt to show his body: telling you 'see? Not a single scratch' and promised no scratches to the car either so all is okay. He softly tapped the glass to signal to drink so you did. He did apologize for worrying you so much. It was still weird for him to have to keep someone else in mind and have someone worry for him to hard, but it does make him feel very special and wanted. Makes him almost feel like bragging to the others at work of how worried you gotten as he knows to have someone like this is unique and to him it shows true love.


You almost throwing the dishes into the water then aggressively putting them in the rack to dry told him enough to know you are pissed with him. He wanted to speak but you spoke first, asking if he even knows how worried you were. So he tried to answer but you cut him off again so he had to hold back a sigh then took a seat as he knew this would be a while.

He let you complain, and honestly his mind began wandering to other stuff. When you did a sharp turn to look at him he was quick to give you his reasons, which sounded like excuses but they were true. Seeing your sharp look he sighed then get up and gave you a hug, saying he knows he did wrong by not letting you know anything and making you worry but there's nothing to worry about. He gave you a kiss, promising you he's always careful. To break the harsh mood he promised he'll also make dinner today so you chuckled 'you better' making him smile and give you another kiss.


He knew he fucked up when he returned and you gave him THAT look and then proceeded to say nothing and just continued doing your thing in sharp and quick manners. He nervously laughed as he approached you, giving your cheek a kiss and greeting you then saying how busy it was at work.

You gave him the look again so he pursed his lips, a second then he broke and said "okay fine, I went out with Vito after work" then argued he can hang out with his friends so you argued back of course he can but he can also give a call so you don't worry for hours about his safety. He gave the awkward 'ah shit you are right' look then nervously laughed again and said "good thing you love me, huh?" so you sighed then mumbled yeah so he grinned then gave you a kiss; claiming you are the best.


He's someone who is stipt on time always to everything so if he's not home on his usual time it worries you so much. Normally he would call a half hour later to inform you of around when he'll be home. So when this time not even a call you got so worried it made you feel sick.

When the frontdoor opened and he walked in so casual, sighing he forgot to inform you; your worry turned to anger and you weren't even entirely sure why. So a lot of shouting; mainly you yelling while still trembling a bit as your mind had made up the worst case scenarios, and the scarier part being all of them had such a huge chance of being possible.

Luckily he saw that the anger wasn't true anger but just pure worry and anxious thoughts that had ran rapid, and so he pulled you close and held you tight; whispering he's here now so it's all okay. When you wanted to speak he just whispered 'ssh, it's okay' and had you calm down. He assured you it won't happen again as it was a foolish mistake that he forgot to call you.

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