If you are a crime boss

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He wanted to work for you, but you advised against it, reminding him he pledged loyality to Salieri and it could turn ugly for him if he just switches that easily with no proper thinking. But you saw how upset it made him that he could not work for you, so you went to Salieri and talked about it and Salieri agreed that Tommy may work for you, as long as Tommy still helps him with some issues he has. Tommy drives you around to anywhere you need to go. At first he asked questions, but after being told enough times by you that he shouldn't ask questions, he stopped asking questions.


At first he thought this would help him, make him have less work and get him promoted. But he was quick to learn you did not pick favorites and he had to get his way up just like all the others. You told him it's nothing personal but you can't do anything dumb because one dumb movement and another crime boss can easily kill you or him so you have to be wise about who you promote and which missions you give to who. When you have a break, he will happily suggest to go to a bar and have a few beers. When you get drunk, he will not get drunk, realizing if you drunkly ramble about work, some stuff that needs to stay secretive could go out so he has to be sober to get you into a car and get you home.


He's always aside you. When you began, he always gave you advice, whispered the names of the people who are approaching you, teaching you a few tricks at card games. When you get mad, he will try to calm you down, reminding you letting your anger control your actions can get you put in a coffin. When you personally want to kill someone, he will go first to take out everyone else so you don't have to worry about them and can easily storm to the bastard you want dead and put two bullets in their head.


He became like your bodyguard. Always aside you, ready to beat anyone who needs a good beating. When you ask him for an opinion, he will stare, unsure what to say before awkwardly giving his opinion. At first he hated how you always acted as if he was below you, but then he realized, he is. You are above him, you have control over every move he does, one wrong move and you can easily put a bullet in his head and not even go to jail for it, you can easily buy two skyscrapers, you have a whole city under your control. He does sometimes worry you will break up with him, or worse, when he heard Joe say many crime bosses cheat on their lovers, he began worrying you are cheating and he is just an idiot believing you two are in love. But when you do little things like eye him during an important meeting, softly pat his cheek after he done something good, fall asleep on his lap after a hard day of work, pay him a visit even if your schedule is full, he realizes you do love him and he is simply overthinking.


He makes sure you take proper care of yourself. If you skip a meal because of work, he is quick to drag you to the nearest restaurant and feed you. When he sees you are in a bad mood because of some idiots in your crew, he will either go set them straight or make a few jokes till you crack a smile.


He is always aside you, always ready to give you advice and help you with any issues you might have. He carries a gun, but he always uses his words first in a meeting, not wishing for things to turn ugly with you in the room. When you are planning to do a dangerous job, he will always remind you you are important to this whole business so you have to think before taking action. 

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