You are victim to the attacks of another family

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I didn't realize how long this was until I placed it on here...


He was there when it happened. Were both evening dining when it happened. He got a good check for a job he did the day before so he thought should both have a nice day, the don even told him to go take his partner out so he did. Sadly a few tables away he made eye contact with one and look of realization flashed in that man's eyes. He said something to his friends as he jumped up and pulled his gun out.

It all happened so fast. Tommy only remembers shouting, snatching you, and pulling you. By the time he could process it all both were hiding behind the table he tossed over. He pulled his gun out, pulling his feet in as people ran around; screaming their heads off. He somehow felt as if this was deja vu.

A wooden table wasn't gonna stop bullets so he took your arm and both hurried. But as he did you stumbled and groaned making him glance. He almost froze, only the bullet flying past made him hurry again. Both rushed to the kitchen and out the back. As you both kept running he put his hand over the round wound in your side that kept pushing blood out so he tried to push it back in. He cursed a lot as he wrapped an arm around you, assuring you it will be okay. Though he wasn't sure if he was saying that to himself or you, but he just kept saying it because he's confident it will be.

He broke into some car. After putting you in carefully he drove with speed to the doctor. He stayed with you until you were treated. You had to stay so he waited until you were asleep; then he rushed off and back to the bar. He told the don what happened, and he was outraged and gave Tommy permission to go beat those guys up for what he did to his partner, for ruining a fine dining place in his neighborhood, and for messing with his boys.

Tommy took some guys and they went and beat the men up. But Tommy couldn't hold back his punches. He found the one who had spotted him in the restaurant so he beat him up. He beating him until the man laid motionless, which left the others staring. He swallowed dryly before getting off the dude and walking away, muttering it's done so he's going back to you.

He didn't speak of what happened to you or anyone else, it wasn't really brought up again. He wasn't proud of the moment, felt like a monster as he did it but the anger was so great he couldn't stop. He didn't even feel mercy for the dude he was beating to death. He deserved it. But it didn't make him feel any better. His knuckles tingle each time he thinks back of that moment; makes him rub them to try and get rid of the feeling.


He found out you were in the hospital, shot, so he immediately rushed to Sam and began arguing he wants to go get revenge but Sam told him to shut up and calm down before he gets his head blown off for spouting this crap of revenge and all that. But Paulie continued, just through gritted teeth as he tried to keep it in but couldn't with how angry he was. Sam sternly told him if he shuts up about it he will discuss it with the don, and now finally Paulie did keep shut.

The don gave him permission to go kill those who did it so Paulie was quick to gear up and urge the other two to get moving, telling them they need to go kill those bastards who dared hurt his dear. Tommy, as he drove, told Paulie to keep calm before he gets himself or them two killed. Paulie assured yeah yeah but the second they arrived he just stormed through and shot any bastard in sight causing Tommy to curse then yell they agreed to keep calm.

Once it was done and you were out he happily assured you those fucks have been dealt with. He covered your face with many kisses while his hands roamed your body carefully but quick, needing to be sure you are really here and alive, and assuring you of the same thing.


Frank told him, adding for him to stay calm because a hot headed men only get themselves killed. Sam stayed quiet for a second, thinking hot headed men also get stuff done and men who need to be killed killed, but then assured Frank of course. The second Frank left he went to Tommy, telling him he's got a job to do that he can't tell the don about. Tommy was hesitant but when Sam informed him of your condition and what happened Tommy was quick in the drivers seat and driving him away. Tommy asked if he knows who did it but Sam said no making Tommy look. Sam simply said he doesn't care who specifically did it, as long as he gets to kill some of those bitches and send a message, just get this anger out of him. Tommy asked if Paulie shouldn't come along but Sam shook it off, saying he can't keep his mouth shut when drunk so no.

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