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He stocks up on candies and opens for trick-or-treaters, enjoying their creative outfits and asking them what they are while giving them the candy. If you wanna put up decorations he'll help, but he wouldn't put it up by his own choice. At best if left up to him he would just put something small at the window.


He likes to put purposefully bad decorations around as he finds it so funny. He tries his hand at baking, but it comes out terrible so he claims he did it on purpose and it's like this because it's Halloween so fits the theme. He gifted it to his friends then wheezed when they tried to eat it but spat it out instead and yelled at him.


He finds it an annoying holiday but also sweet to see the kids. Now this annoying holiday can easily become the best one around if you decide to also dress up in a revealing, suggestive outfit.. No way will he put down decorations; he finds it so stupid and a waste of money as it's just one day and then back down.


He likes seeing the kids happy and it gives him an odd sense of 'this is what I fought for'. Even if he didn't go to war willingly and ran as soon as possible from it it still gives him that feeling and makes him glad he took part in it and can now be here to see the pay off. He doesn't like having his doorbell constantly rang so he just keeps a bowl with 'take only one' at the door. If he sees someone take more he'll scare the shit out of them to teach them a lesson.


Perfect excuse to stock up on all kinds of candies and then give very few to kids and eat most of it himself. He will gladly put up decoration, the type that has Vito cringe and question his friend's fashion style like he did when he saw his friend's apartment after jail. Joe gladly makes silly cookie or cupcakes in a Halloween theme with you. He will play stupid scare pranks on everyone.


He likes seeing the kids dressed up, being so carefree and happy with their trick-or-treating. He will give them candies, chuckling as their excitement is overflowing. He will put up a few typical Halloween decorations but nothing too much. When you played a silly scare prank on him he flinched with a curse then gave the disapproving, annoyed eyes before laughing it off and admitting that scared him.

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