When they have a nightmare

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He tends to move a lot when he has a nightmare, which usually manages to wake you up. When you wake him up, whispering he's having a nightmare, he will stare you at, suspicious of you for a second before he realizes it's just you and no danger and will let out a sigh, apologizing for waking you up. When you said it's okay, he just mumbled another sorry before getting comfortable and opening his arm in a way to ask you to cuddle and comfort him.


After he seen Sam get shot, he had many nightmares, very scared this will happen to him or his some other of his friends, or worse; you, the love of his life. So when he wakes up from one of those dreams, he will immediately want to check on you and make sure you are asleep. So when you wake up to see his scared eyes, whispering he's sorry for waking you before asking if you are okay. At first this always confused you, but eventually you understood what this meant and will just softly stroke his hair, mumbling you are perfectly fine. Then he will go back to sleep, tightly holding you so he's sure you are still there.


He will be very confused and a bit scared, but then calm down when he sees he's safely in his bedroom aside his sleeping lover. If it's still midnight, he will go back to sleep. If it's already morning, he will get up and go to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.


He has many nightmares about the war. So sometimes he will wake up, panting and drenched in sweat before he lets out a groan, rubbing his face, telling himself it's okay and he's safe. If the nightmare was very terrifying, sometimes he will turn you so quick he wakes you up. He will just put his hand on your cheek, checking your very confused eyes before he puts his forehead against yours, letting out pants before he mumbles a sorry. When you whisper it's okay, he will just stay silent. After a few seconds he will get up, unable to go back to sleep after such a terrifying nightmare.


He will wake up, mumbling "what the fuck" while looking around to make sure it's safe before he huffs, realizing it was just some fucked up nightmare. Sometimes he will get up and get ready for the day. Other times he will just hug you and go back to sleep. When you wake up and tiredly ask him if he's okay, he will just laugh it off before giving your temple a kiss, saying he's fine so you can go back to sleep.


He will wake up with a sigh, tired of the nightmares he has been having so much lately. He will just get up and go prepare himself a coffee and read a book to calm down and relax. When you wake up and ask him if he's okay, he will give you a little smile, saying just a nightmare but he's okay.

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