You single handedly take down a group of enemies

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At first he jumped up to help but then he saw you deal with them all so easily he felt he would only be in the way so he stayed under cover; only peeking out few times to watch you go at it. Once done he approaches you cautiously, lightly joking by asking if you can't always tag along with him from now on.


He's cheering from the side lines, shouting all weird stuff that makes you almost want to stop your fight to look at him with a cocked up eyebrow and question it but know better so stay focused. Afterwards he wheezes about it all to the rest of the family, having such fun retelling it with his theatrics.


He's shouting "yeah, fuck them up!" from the side or supportive words as he aims his gun and tries to shoot a few to make it easier for you and feel satisfaction at also having done something. He's so used to this life that afterwards he casually asked "Wanna go drink something at that cafe?"


He was shocked, watching you go at it. For a second he worried if he did something wrong and now you are taking it out on these poor fools. Normally they would be just fools, but with how you are going at it without giving them a chance it's become quite pathetic to watch their foolish attempts. At this point he wondered why they don't just run away.


He would be cheering but there's something disquiet about this. So many questions fill his mind. When you finish he gives a forced smile, asking if you got to release your anger finally. It was only when he got tipsy a few days later then he finally asked all the questions of how, why, how it felt for you, just all the curiousity. He more just felt sad you did it so easily.


He's frowning, wondering how you can do this so easily. He finds it appalling to see. So once it's done there is heavy silence. When you told him he also does all this he argued he doesn't do it this casually and easily. Both don't talk about it much as it just results in disagreements and arguments.

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