When you make them a doll that looks like them

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He wasn't sure how to react, asking with a nervous chuckle if this is him while taking it slowly, as if unsure if he's allowed to take it before examining it, saying you did it a good job with it. He felt a bit awkward accepting it but he was glad with it.


He laughed as he took it, asking if this is him before making the doll do some stunts, doing some sounds with it before joking that if he could do all these moves in real life, everybody would fear him.


He gave you a "what's this?" look as he took it. He examined it before holding it up and pointing at himself, asking if this is him. As you nod, he examined it again before chuckling, asking where you even found the time to do this. He said a thanks then left to go put it away.


He chuckled because he found it a bit cute. He had an old army shirt he didn't need anymore so you used that to make the little doll a soldier outfit. He thanked you for it. He keeps it leaned against his nighstand lamp.


He chuckled, taking it and examing before asking if he should be offended with how big the plushie's stomach is. He still found it cute and just put it on the fridge. When Vito went to grab a beer and asked him what this thing is, Joe pointed at him, saying he better not say anything mean about it because you made that specially for him.


He wasn't entirely sure how to react, not having ever expected to receive this kind of gift. He still thanked you for it while examing it, unable to hide a smile as you got every detail right and even gave the doll his favorite tie and suit. He just keeps it on his desk. He likes to look at it when he gets too stressed because he can't help but find it cute and funny how you got every single detail right.

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