When you're drunk

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He will chuckle, suggesting going home. When you denied, saying you want to drink more, he chuckled and said he thinks you had enough before he pulled you away from the booze and guided you to the car. While you drunkly sang along to the radio, he couldn't help but laugh because you sang every word wrong or just began mumbling when you didn't know the words. When he was at your place, he helped you out the car and into your bed.


He was also drunk with you so it was a complete mess as you both drunkly sang words while poor Tommy drove you both. Paulie asked Tommy a random question so you also asked a very weird question which led to you both asking weird/uncomfortable questions to Tommy who was just trying to get you both home. Once at Paulie's house, you pouted, saying you don't want to stop the fun, so Paulie happily said he has some more beer inside before he took your hand and both stumbled to his front door. So both continued drinking on his couch until you both passed out.


He will just sit over you in the booth, watching you drunkly ramble about stuff. He can't help but smile, finding this moment amusing and weirdly cute. When you pout and put your cheek on the table, saying your drink is empty, he said that probably means it's time to go home. He helped you into his car and get home. He wanted to leave, believing you can get yourself into your bed, but when you got out the car and tripped over your own foot, he stared before sighing, realizing he was mistaken so he helped you inside your house. He first took care of the wound you got because of the fall before he tucked you into bed. The next day he told you you own him for yesterday.


He just sighed before telling you to get into the car. When you pout and said one more drink, he eyed the many beer bottles you already drank before saying he thinks you had enough. He took your arm and pulled you to the car. While you loudly sang to the music, he just drove, not saying anything, wishing he gets to your house quickly. When he tucked you in and you hugged his waist, saying you don't want to sleep and want to have more fun, he just chuckled before stroking your hair, saying you can have more fun tomorrow. When you pouted but let go and laid down, he praised you, pulling the blanket over you before he gave you a kiss, telling you he will come visit tomorrow to check in on you.


He just laughed as you did weird things. He also drank, but made sure not to get drunk so he can still take care of you. When you fell aside him on the sofa, mumbling you are tired, he laughed and suggested going to sleep then. He watched as you moved around until you were lying comfortable, head on his lap. He just let you go to sleep on him as he continued his drink. Once it was empty, he just laid it on the sofa, not wanting to put it on the coffee table in fear he might accidentally wake you. He didn't have the heart to move you since you looked so comfortable, so he just went to sleep sitting up. The next day, he regretted it as his back and neck hurted, but when you gave him a kiss and apologized, he chuckled and said it's okay and he has endured worse.


He will just relax, sipping his beer, still very sober, watching you drunkly down your beer. When he suggested slowing down and you stubbornly said no, he just chuckled and continued watching you. Once you were wasted, he decided he better stop you before you get alcohol poisoning and told the bartender to stop giving you drinks, paying for them before he helped you off your chair and into his car. While he drove, he drove slowly to avoid making you feel too sick while mentally begging you don't puke in his car. Once you were home, he helped you into bed. The next day, he asked in an amused tone how you feel, fully well-knowing you have a hangover and feel like shit.

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