You got anesthesia so start saying weird things

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I saw that girl on anesthesia who then calls her boyfriend a cute boy before getting surprised when he gives her a kiss so of course I had to write about that.

It's left open ended like most of these scenarios so you can decide what happens after.


You cried out you didn't put the meat in the freezer and it's gonna expire tomorrow. He had to keep his laughter in as he assured you he will put it in the freezer so don't worry. You grabbed his hand weakly, whispering he has to do that or. He stared, waiting for something to follow the "or" but it never came so he began laughing then gave your forehead a kiss. You slurred out you want a kitten or puppy then went on a rant about tropical creatures you wouldn't mind keeping and how you know the pros and cons but you can do it. He just watched, smiling, humming or saying he will think about it; so he can amuse your weird train of thoughts.


You stared then said he's funny looking. Before he could get upset or offended you added with a laugh you like that. So now he's confused if he should be happy or still upset. You began talking about a dog that looks like him so he decided being upset. But then you lovingly sighed that was the cutest and most beautiful dog you ever seen, so now he got confused again. When you whimpered you don't like this situation he gave you a kiss, promising it's gonna be over soon and if any of these doctors or nurses messes up he will fuck them over so don't worry.


He stared with great confusion as you went on about how he looked like him but not and he didn't even have smooth edges and his fingers were squary and he was so much older. He just stared then gave you a "oh, really" look when you looked to him. You nod, whispering he wasn't good looking anymore but now he is. A chuckle escaped ihim then he said that's good then. He decided to take a seat as he thinks he will be here a while, and the nonsense you are talking about is quite amusing.


You began crying so he asked if the medicine isn't working, but you shook your head. You began rambling about how sad it is that he had to go fight a war he didn't start. He stared then smiled and gave your temple a kiss, agreeing that it was dumb and he would have much rather been here so he could have spend more time with you. You whispered you two might not be here if that happened or stayed together so long as he would be different, but he assured you he would have still loved you this much and it's fate you two are together this strong. You stared at him then slurred his hair's gorgeous, making him stare back then laugh and say a thanks; realizing the conversation has now moved to something else as your brain is just all over the place.


You began saying of all the sexual things you like he does to your body. Normally he wouldn't mind; but with these doctors and nurses around he just wanted you to shut up, more for your own dignity. He didn't care; this is boosting his ego and letting all know he can please his partner excellently. So he leaned to you, whispering you should quiet down a bit because you will regret it when you are back to your normal self. You stared then leaned for a kiss so he laughed before quickly shutting up so he could give you a kiss. He pet your hair, sighing you are so adorable at times then assured you he's here for you so don't worry about anything. You asked if he can do that trick he does with his hand to your body, but he was quick to say no with a nervous laugh and glancing to the nurse then whispered to you, promising he will do that once you are better.


You were about to ramble of his job, guns, money so he was quick to cover your mouth, nervously laughing as the nurses looked. He gave them a smile, saying he doesn't think private matters should become public, then leaned to you and whispered of your favorite things until your eyes widen so he slowly let go of your face. Luckily it worked and you began rambling of the new topic; the safe topic. So now he was listening to each word carefully; making sure you don't let anything wrong slip out.

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