When you are sad and call them in the middle of the night

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I made a Red Dead Redemption 2 x Reader scenario book so if you are interested please go check it out and I hope you enjoy it.


He was tired but when he heard your sad tone he immediately woke up and wasn't tired at all anymore, asking you what's wrong and if he should come over. When you said no and you just want him to listen, he said of course and listened to all you had to say. Even if it lasts hours, he will listen to it all, trying his best to comfort you.


He will yawn, asking what's wrong. When your sad voice came, he cursed, rubbing his eyes, trying to wake up better to focus and be bright awake to comfort you better. His jokes to try and cheer you up were a bit lazy and unfunny since he just woke up and his mind isn't that awake yet to come up with good jokes. When you told him you appreciate him trying to cheer you up but it's not really helping so he awkwardly replied he's already not good at comforting people and now he has to do it with a half awake brain.


He wasn't in the mood for it but he sighed and put the phone at his ear before lying down and closing his eyes, just humming to you know he's still listening. He was listening, just not very well so when you asked for his opinion he would have to quickly come up with excuses like the phone is making your voice a bit unclear so he only got half of what you said so you will have to repeat what you just said.


He didn't answer at first, thinking whoever is calling can wait till the morning. But when it kept ringing, he cursed and angrily kicked his sheets off then went to the phone and picked it up, asking with clear annoyance what, only to get confused when someone cried out not to yell and you know it's midnight but you just need someone to talk to. He did the phone from his ear, cursing a lot at himself then put it back to him, his annoyed tone gone now as he said sorry he thought you were someone else then asked what's wrong, adding an endearment in hopes you forgive him for shouting at you.


He yawned as he picked up, asking if you even know what time it is. As you cried his name, he was quick to say time doesn't matter then ask what's wrong. He sighed as he listened, too tired to deal with this emotional stuff so he asked you to wait a second then he rushed away before returning, saying he has returned. So he continued listening now while sipping a beer to wake up more and be more prepared to deal with this emotional stuff in the middle of the night.


He prepared a cup of coffee while you explained what's wrong. When you asked if you are bothering him and woke him up, he told you honestly that you did wake him up but it's okay because he had to wake up soon anyway for work and you aren't bothering him since now he got enough time before he has to go to work.

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