You cut your own hair but it comes out terrible but you like it

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You didn't even have to ask if he likes it because his face was just wide eyes, mouth parted open; brain clearly lagging. His mouth closed and turned to a wry smile, saying an unsure 'I like it?' so you gave him the unimpressed eyes and asked if he means it so he quickly nod, saying more confident 'yes'. He just told himself 'you will learn to like it with time' and let you be since it's not his hair anyway.


He broke out laughing, asking if cats had a cat fight in your hair. He ruffled his hands through it, snickering. You asked if he likes it so he was quick to nod, laughing he does. You gave him a smile then said good because you like it too. He likes how badly it's done and it always made him laugh the first few times he sees you enter a room.


He pulled out his wallet and slapped a big amount of bills to you, telling you the hairdresser is still open. So you gave him a glare, smacking his hand away, asking what that's supposed to mean. He gave you the 'you serious' look then said "that it looks like shit". You tried to argue so he pointed out how badly it is, every single bad thing he pointed out, then assured you he's glad you are trying something else but at least do it with proper help.


He froze, unsure if he should laugh or lecture, so he just slowly asked if the hair salon is closed. You said no then happily asked if he likes it so he cautiously asked if you do. You nod so he smiled and said then he does too. As you walked away he had to look away because daamn is that bad. Eventually he did tell you because he couldn't handle seeing it anymore, especially when you go in public and people give weirded out looks.


He rubbed his mouth, to hide the big grin that formed. He tried not to wheeze as he asked what happened and if the scissors attacked you. You proudly showed it off, saying you think it looks awesome. He hummed then laughed it certainly is unique. He managed to convince you to let him at least fix the uneven. He did like it, it just needs a bit of cleaning up.


He stared, watching as you show it off and happily said you like it. He's glad you like it but... he doesn't. He took two strands, trying not to laugh as he informed they aren't even the same length He advised you to at least get a hairdresser to make it proper. You asked if he likes it though so he gave your head a kiss, answering he does.

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