When they're drunk

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He will just slouch on the sofa, talking to you about various of topics. When you told him you think he should stop the drinking, he sighed but said probably. He stared at the bottles before taking another one, thinking "fuck it" before telling you he doesn't get many opportunities to drink so he's gonna enjoy this.


He drank too much so he was saying some nonsense before he looked at you and said you are the most beautiful person he ever seen and he would love to date you but you are out of his league. When you told him you are already his lover, he stared with the most shocked eyes before he said "really?" in disbelief before he laughed out "nooo", not believing that someone so beautiful and lovely is dating him.


He rarely gets drunk outside of the house because he knows how dangerous that can be, the only reason he would get drunk outside would be because Paulie managed to convince him to get drunk, there is no danger around and he's sure Tommy will get him to his neighborhood safely. When drunk at home and you are around, he will complain a little about his job to you and then change to another topic before he talks about anything he shouldn't talk about.


He only gets drunk at home, he doesn't trust getting drunk anywhere else, especially now that he's in the mob and many want him dead. He's still very serious when drunk, just begins talking about serious topics or will hug you and hide his face against you as memories of the war come flooding back.


He likes getting drunk, doesn't matter where. He will begin talking to you about silly topics or badly fliting with you in hopes it will work to get you to have sex with him. When you tell him to lay in bed, he will get excited, only to groan when you told him to sleep and you will bring him some water. He will try to argue only to cringe as he felt as if he was ready to puke so he will go lay down.


He's a responsible drinker, he knows his limits, so it's rare to see him drunk. He will only drink over his limit after something bad happened, and then he will be complaining the whole time, angrily cursing about the problem. The next day when he's sober, he will awkwardly apologize to you for drunkly complaining to you about his problems.

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