When you workout

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He will try to help you as best as he can. He will hold your feet as you do sit ups or getting you some water when you ask for it. When you finish, painting out that you are exhausted, he will chuckle and tell you you did a great job.


He will keep you company, cracking jokes and such. When you ask if he wishes to join, he will laugh and ask if you are insane, snickering out that he wouldn't even be able to do two pushups.


He won't bother you so you can focus on your workout. Sometimes he will pop into the room to ask you something or tell you something. When you finish, lying on the floor, panting, he will stare before softly shaking you with his foot, asking you if you are dead. When you said you feel like it, he chuckled before he told you he will get you some water.


He will join you. Working out is a very easy task for him since he had to workout almost daily at the army. Sometimes you will both hold competitions for fun, like who can do the most pushups or who can do the most jumping jacks.


He will be eating something, laughing whenever you glare his way, teasingly asking you if you want a bite. When you tell him he's awful, he will chuckle and say he will leave you to it before leaving the room so you can focus on your workout.


He will sit to the side with a coffee, keeping you company but being silent so you can focus. When you ask him if he wishes to join, he will decline, chuckling that he does not have the stamina to do all of that and keep up with you.

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