When you meet Marty for the first time and he begins excitedly talking to you

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Obviously this only includes these three since the other three don't even know of Marty's existence.

Marty always makes me think of Benny Siegel, especially after I watched Boardwalk Empire and how Benny Siegel was portrayed in that show. A young insane kid who always wants to do something exciting, who grew up aside Charlie Luciano and Meyer Lanksy.


He will tell Marty to calm down before telling you with a sigh that this is Marty, Joe's friend. He doesn't hate the kid, there are just some things about the kid that annoy him. Him bothering you being one of them.


Joe likes Marty but he knows the kid can be a unexpected at times so first he gave Marty a pep talk about how he needs to stay calm and not suddenly start jumping all around the place. When Marty began excitedly talking to you, raising his voice and moving, Joe asked him what he just told him not to do then he told you that this is Marty and how they know each other.


He met Marty a few times but that's usually with Joe or someone else around so he already felt weird just with Marty here alone. He introduced you two to each other just to be polite and so you aren't confused then asked him why he's here and where Joe is. 

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