When you ignore them (by accident and on purpose)

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Requested by: hollowlu07


If it's accidentally he can chuckle it off, but if it's on purpose he's not happy. Clearly something is wrong and both need to talk, and he hates such serious talks that will mostly likely cause an argument but sometimes they have to happen to keep a stable and good relationship so he will start talking, trying his best to avoid an argument.


He HATES being ignored; makes his blood boil. Even if accidentally it pisses him off. He will give a fake smile, tapping his foot to contain his anger, saying 'it's whatever' when actually it's everything and now he'll be pissy for the next long while.


He doesn't mind if you don't hear him few times, but if it happens too much then of course it'll be annoying. He won't say anything about it until it becomes too much and then suddenly both have an argument about it. If you give him silent treatment he's so done with you and just leaves to go to work and hang out there as it's much more fun there than being in a house with someone who acts like that.


Accidentally can always happen; he just touches your lower back to gain your attention, laughing your name. But if silent treatment? Then he gets fueled. He finds it such childish behaviour only immature people do, and those who know they are wrong in the situation. So while you do silent treatment he just does a lot of 'oh yes, THIS is soo mature of you' or mockingly talks in your tone to reply to his own stuff like 'indeed Vito, that is VERY true'. .


Depends on his mood. If he's in a happy, joking mood he'll laugh it off, make jokes of it. But if he's not in the mood then he also just ignores you. He dealt with enough already, he doesn't want to deal with this now.

And honestly the ignoring each other isn't so bad as it gives both time to just be silent, think, do things without overstimulating the other, and just it's a different kind of peace. Will both sometimes even still do things together, like make food together but both still ignoring each other.


If you do it by accident then depends. If it isn't important he drops it. But if it is he just touches you gently, calling your attention then repeats what he said; in a more stern voice so he's sure you process it this time.

If you do it on purpose he asks if you are being serious then tells you to stop it and just talk to him. If you keep refusing he warns this is very childish and he's already tired from work so so just talk to him and tell him what's wrong. So both start talking, usually more bickering though.

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