If you are a cop that works for their family

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He was very shocked at first when he learned that you are a cop/detective working for the family. At first he didn't know what to think, at the end he still didn't. He just began accepting it as normal and doesn't think much of it anymore. He was told at the start that some cops are in their pockets so seeing you are too isn't too odd for a cop/detective. It certainly helps with keeping speeding tickets down. When he gets stopped and you turn up he just gives you a smile, asking if he can pay with love instead. So after some kisses and talking you let him go and get back to work.

When he sold everyone out he made a deal that you and him get a better sentence and then can live a safe life with protection so both had to serve a little time then vanished from Lost Haven.


At first he had a lot of crazy moments, most of which were dangerous to others to see how you react to determine if you are truly with them or not. But you always let him be so he determined that you are good and finally his crazy moments became less. He finds this fun, feels like this can be an exciting film and always describes to you of how they could write and film this and how badass they can make you two be. When you give him intel from the police he gets so proud, thanking you for your hard work on ruining the cops and helping the family. When you cover up for them he gets so giddy, finding it so awesome and feels so powerful.

So when he went to the bank he made you keep it from the cops but that didn't work too well so he blamed you once he got home for the cops being there. Both got in such a heated argument causing you to storm out. You returned after a while as you heard nothing from him. So you ran away without talking to anyone, but when Tommy sold out everyone you were included and so were arrested as well after an ambush.


He's glad, it feels as if they now have a good hand inside of the police who can pull strings. But of course the paranoia sometimes makes him wonder if you are actually a rat, giving away their information to your boss, but then he sees those acts you do and how you care for him and then he realizes that's not true or possible. He's usually asking you how things are at the office; wanting to know how the police are feeling about the families and what they are up to. He likes discussing plans with you, though you notice he doesn't share every detail, as if still not fully trusting you.

When he had to kill Tommy he got you to ensure the closure of the building and that the cops stay away, or if they come they won't attack him or his men. By the time it was done and you saw Sam he had already bled out. A while later you were arrested as Tommy had gone and sold everyone out.


When he goes out you just know you will have work that day with either a murder, stealing a car, breaking in somewhere, having meetings with shady guys. So he always keeps you up and working, which he does apologize for but never stops doing any of it. A lot of arguments stem from this and just the pure stress from both of your jobs and how close you are both to being killed by either cops or mobsters if there is even just one little wrong step taken.

He made a deal with Vito. You don't know the specifics of it but just know it's about keeping you safe. You just know he came back looking shaken but satisfied. Before you could even ask him anything he wrapped his arms around you and held you tight, whispering you will be okay, though mentally telling himself he knows you aren't a rat but please to God don't be a rat.


He gives you so much work so you to be ensuring nobody can track any of the crimes back to him or his friends, especially once that kid, Marty, died and he had a murder spree and raced around the city. He got an earful from you that evening, angry and stressed, but he was feeling that way as well so that evening the neighbors couldn't sleep as you two kept screaming at each other till midnight, only stopping because Joe stormed out to go get drunk at some bar.

Besides those times work together excellently well. He likes to hear about your day, not just to learn intel but also because hearing how dumb or smart cops/detectives can be is funny but interesting to hear and even more fun to joke about.


He would inform you of what's going on with the mob, just brainstorm to you. He doesn't brainstorm to anyone else, dislikes how it feels that he would be revealing too much to others, but for some reason when he does it to you it makes him able to think better and figure it out. When you ran to him and told him they found out he's a rat he felt everything stop as he knows the mob won't stop until he's death now. Even if he hid they would fight him and he's not gonna live in constant fear forever. You told him he can crash at your place until he finds a way to get out of this but he shook his head, mumbling he's not gonna endanger you.

So when they came for him he tried to pull out his gun even though he knew there was no way he would come out this alive. Most people say about how their last thoughts were of their loved ones but he would be lying if he said that was so for him as well. All he felt was dread with the only thought that he has to escape but also knowing there is no escape.

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