When they get jealous

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This was requested by someone on Quotev.


He will be muttering under his breath as he lights up a cigarette, watching you and the person. When you approached him, he nod, asking you who that was, trying to make it seem as if he isn't jealous and just asking out of curiousity. When you chuckled and told him he doesn't have to be jealous, he gave you a shrug, telling you he's not and he's just curious.


It's a mixture between fear and jealousy. He knows he has a bad job, isn't the best looking person and his personality can be overwhelming sometimes so when someone flirts with you, he gets jealous and also scared you will leave him. He trusts you, it's just a little worry he will always have. He will just wrap his arm around your shoulders, laughing out to the person you are already taken before guiding you away from the person. When you see his little frown, deep in thoughts, you will have to assure him you won't leave him for some stranger.


He kept telling himself he's not jealous as he watched your friend wrapping their arm around yours, both sharing smiles between each other. He tried to keep calm, still telling himself he's not jealous as he stormed over. When you looked at him, confused why he stormed over, he nod his head over his shoulder, telling you Tommy suddenly called for you two to come over because there is an emergency so let's go. You tried to say goodbye to your friend but Sam took your hand and pulled you along. When you told him he's jealous, he denied it, telling you he doesn't get jealous. Tommy was confused at the sudden, unannounced visit, but then chuckled when Sam awkwardly told him what happened and asked him to act as if there is something wrong.


He will watch closely as a stranger flirts with you. If you can handle yourself, he will just wait and lit a cigarette. When he can see you are uncomfortable, he is quick to approach, telling the person to get lost because you are taken before wrapping his arm around you and guiding you away from the person, glaring over his shoulder at the person. If the person dares to try anything to you, he won't hesitate to throw a punch.


He will keep it to himself and angrily ramble to Vito about it when they are both in the car. Poor Vito's stuck listening to his friend's rambling and threatening the person if they ever dare approach you again. But if Joe is drunk, he will storm to you two and wrap his arm around you, angrily telling the person to get lost before he puts a hole between their eyes. The person was quick to run away when Joe reached for his gun. When you yelled his name in a scolding manner, he asked you what's wrong, too drunk to realize what he just did was inappropriate before he told you that bastard wasn't even good looking so it's fine.


He was watching from the car as you exit a building with someone. He doesn't get jealous easily, it takes a lot for him to get jealous, but when he saw that person wrap their arm around your waist, he was quick to tear his seatbelt off, throw his door open and storm out the car. He snatched your arm and pulled you against his chest, telling the person you have to go before he dragged you to the car. As he drove, he stayed silent with an annoyed frown on his face

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