When you get shot

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He immediately cursed when he suddenly saw the blood spurt before he pulled you behind a bigger cover, his mind racing, unsure what to do. When a bullet suddenly flew above his head, he cursed before giving you a quick kiss to assure you it's okay as he hurriedly said he will take care of the rest of these guys. Once he killed everyone, he put your arm around his shoulders, wrapped his arm around your waist before pulling you up with a huff, saying you will be okay. He never drove so quickly, he couldn't think properly, he just needed to get to the doctor quickly.


You both were send to beat up some men to show them who is the boss around here. But as you slammed the baseball bat against one of the men, another pulled out a gun. Paulie went from enjoying this to terrified when he heard the gunshot. He never slammed a bat against someone's head so hard before. Once everyone was down, he hurried to you and helped you up. He nervously said it will be okay as he pushed his hand against the wound, helping you up and into the car. He speeded through the streets, repeating in a mumble that you will be fine. Once at the doctor, he ran to the door and knocked on it in a hurry before he ran back to you and helped you out the car.


He got shot before so he knew how you felt, whispering to endure the pain for a few seconds. He shot every enemy in sight till there was a clear path to a car, then he helped you to the car in a hurried pace. He drove in a quick pace, muttering sorry whenever you let out a groan of pain. Once at the doctor, he gave you a little smile to comfort you, saying you are at the doctor now so everything will be okay.


When he saw you fall at the corner of his eye, he feared the worst. When he saw you were shot but not dead, he felt relieved before angrily shooting every enemy in sight. When you let out a shaky breath, saying this hurts, he was quick to crouch down and pick you up bridal style, saying you will have to endure it. He carried you to the car, where he put you on the passanger seat before he put the seatbelt on you, asurring you everything will be okay. He drove through the streets like an insane man, not caring who or what stood in his way, he was too focused on getting to the doctor. Once at the doctor, he helped you out the car and to the door, where he hit it harshly a few times until the doctor opened it.


He immediately cursed before asking you if you are dead. When you shook your head, saying you are alive but in incredible pain, he pat your shoulder, awkwardly trying to comfort you by saying at least you are alive. He took out some of the other enemies until he was certain it was safe enough for him to pull you up and help you to his car. He drove, not caring about the speed limit, angrily yelling at the people and cars that went in front of the car, yelling he has a person dying in the car so they better get out the way. Once at the doctor, he helped you out, saying over and over that it's okay and the doctor can easily fix that wound so no need to worry.


He got shot before, so he knew how much it hurt so he understood why you were cursing so much. He helped you into his car and he drove. He drove quickly, but when a bump came, he slowed down, not wishing to hurt you too much since he remembers when Vito drove over the bumps quickly when he was shot and it made the pain worse. Once at the doctor, he honked to let the doctor know he has arrived before he helped you out the car and to the door. He helped you through the house, explaining to the doctor what happened and where you got shot.

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