When you hug them out of nowhere

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The MC (you/your OC) is whatever gender you want them to be. Their personality, looks, favorite things, etc are all up to you to decide. Any request that gives any of these away will be declined.

You can request. There are some things like NSFW and pregnancy stuff I do decline, but I try my best to accept all requests.

I'm sorry if anyone is out of character. I'm still trying to figure out how to write for them.


He will chuckle, hugging you back, asking why the sudden display of affection. When you shrugged and said because you felt like it, he chuckled again before he gave you a kiss, saying he enjoys it so you may do it as much as you want.


He will laugh, wrapping his arms around you. He will refuse to let go, saying he's gonna keep you trapped like this forever before covering your face with kisses.


He will be confused at the sudden hug but hug you back, asking why the sudden hug. When you shrugged, he hummed and put his chin on your shoulder, just enjoying the sweet embrace before he has to go back to work.


He will automatically assume something is wrong and ask what's wrong and who he has to beat up. When you chuckled and said you are just hugging him because you felt like it, he let out an "ow..." before he hugged you back, mumbling that's sweet then.


He will let out a laugh of joy before happily hug back, saying this is nice. When you try to leave, he will sometimes playfully tighten his grip, laughing when you said you have things to do before he let go.


He will lean away a little so he can see your face and see if something is wrong or if you simply felt like a giving a hug. If something is wrong, he will ask you what's wrong while wrapping his arms around you to give you comfort. If you simply felt like giving a hug, he will chuckle and hug you back.

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