What they don't do around you

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He tries to keep all his job related things away from you. So no talk about his work, no driving near it, no blood covered clothes near you, such things. He just does not want you to worry for him. Sometimes he will accidentally bring his jacket covered with blood back, but before you can take it to wash it, he is quick to take it and tell you he will wash this one himself.


He tries not to get drunk around you. It doesn't always work, but he tries. He knows he becomes an absolute fool when he had too many, and he doesn't want you to see him being an idiot so he tries not to get drunk around you to avoid embarrassing himself.


He follows this rule so well it just is something he does without thinking now; not sitting by the window. It's one of the rules the Don taught him when he joined. When you both visit a restaurant and you say you want to sit by the window, he will just either make up an excuse why he doesn't want to, like the sun is too harsh so he wants to sit farther away from it, or he will just say he dosn't like sitting by the window and drag you to a table where no window is.


He doesn't smoke around you, he refuses to. At first he did, but then he heard on the radio that it can cause cancer. Of course at first he was like, who cares, but then the radio said it can also cause serious issues for the person who stands aside the smoker so Vito stopped smoking around you. Even if you yourself smoke, he still won't, not wishing to encourage it. When you tell him it's just to scare people, he will shrug and say even so, he still doesn't want you getting issues because of him.


If you don't like sexual jokes, he won't make them. He loves joking around, but he dislikes making you uncomfortable so if you don't like such jokes, or any other type of jokes that make you uncomfortable or angry, he won't make them around you and just tell them to Vito instead.


He doesn't talk about his job to you. Even if you are in the mob yourself, he still won't talk about it. When you try to talk about it, he will give you an expression that tells you "You know that's an off-limit topic". He knows the mob has eyes and ears everywhere and he isn't gonna risk his neck, and especially not yours, for some conversation.

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