When you speed

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The MC (you/your OC) is whatever gender you want them to be. Their personality, looks, favorite things, etc are all up to you to decide. Any request that gives any of these away will be declined.


He feels more safe and confident behind the wheel, so when you drive, he will be nervous. So when you speed, he will be yelling to park the car. When you finally parked, he was quick to open the door, telling you to get out because he's driving because you drive like an insane person. When you huffed and said he also drives like this, he gave you unimpressed eyes, saying at least he doesn't almost crash every five seconds. When you huffed and said he almost hit a person yesterday, he mumbled they were jaywalking before he got out and walked to the driver seat, motioning to move over.


He will excitedly cheer. But he is quick to yell when you almost crash, yelling to slow down or to go more to the side. Once you are far from the spot the accident almost happened, he laughed and said that was exciting.


He will go from calm to angrily shouting, asking if you are trying to get the both of you killed. When you chuckled and said you know what you are doing, he just yelled that doesn't change the fact you almost crashed the damn car. Once you finally came to a stop, he stared in front of him before pointing at you, saying he's never letting you drive again.


He will say "What the fuck", slamming his hand on the roof out of reflex to help keep balance, asking you if you know what a speed limit is. When you huffed and said he always drives like this, he said in a very defensive tone at least he makes sure it's safe to speed. When suddenly a cop siren was heard, he couldn't help but chuckle, saying that's what you get for not checking if it's safe first. He told you to park so you did. You both quickly changed seats so he can drive away in a hurry from the cops, not wanting to waste money on a speeding ticket.


It depends on the situation. If you speed in an open road with no cars on nor cops, he will laugh it off. If you speed because you both have to get away from cops or gangsters, he will be yelling to floor that damn pedal before they catch you both. If you speed with cars and people around, he will ask you if you are insane and trying to get into a damn accident.


He will frown, warning you that you are going too fast. When you said you know, he gave you a glare, telling you he isn't in the mood to have a car accident today. When you told him it's fine, he sighed but looked back to the front, wondering why he even let you behind the wheel. When a cop siren went, he groaned, sarcastically saying this is just great.

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