Whenever you give their cheek a kiss

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I have a Red Dead Redemption 2 scenario book so please check it out if you're interested.


Usually you do it before he goes to work or returns, giving him a little "good luck at work" kiss and "welcome back" kiss. It always works to lift his spirit and make the stressful knot in his chest unclench a bit. He will tell you vaguely how it went at work, not going into any details you wouldn't be allowed to know.


He will get nervous and giddy, asking with a nervous chuckle what that was for. There's always this little voice in his head that thinks he's not worthy of someone as amazing as you so whenever you do that the voice gets a bit bigger as he begins wondering why someone so loving is with him, but at the same time another voice tells that voice to shut up and appreciate he got such a partner.


He finds it annoying when you mess up his tie, so you got this little habit of tugging his tie to pull him closer and giving his cheek a kiss before work, wishing him luck at work today. He will groan but not complain out loud as he still likes the kiss. He will just fix his tie with a frown, saying thanks then leave.


He's always unsure why you do it but never questions it, just chuckles and gives you a smile. Even if he doesn't know why you do it he's not gonna complain since he welcomes any affection you are willing to give. And he went for such long times without any of your affection during the war and prison so he always appreciate any affection you give as he doesn't know when he will be gone for such long times again.


He will chuckle and wrap his arm around you, saying you missed so you will give him a kiss on his lips. He doesn't care where you kiss him, you could just kiss his hand and he will be happy, as long as it's any kind of affection from you. Though he has a habit of making it go from just an innocent little kiss to a heated one.


He actually likes it so it happens a lot. Usually in the morning when he's reading the paper and drinking a cup of coffee you will come up behind him and give his cheek a kiss, which will suprise him then make him say good morning and ask how you slept. He will fold the paper then give you a proper good morning kiss before finishing his coffee while listening to you.

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