When there is an ambush

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You were both at a restaurant, having a fun date. As he chuckled at what you said, he glanced at the window to see a car parked in the middle of the street with men exiting. He had seen this before so he knew what was about to happen. He was quick to snatch your arm, pull you from the table, kicked the table down before pulling you to hide behind it, just in time as many bullets flew through the restaurant. He cursed, angrily asking what's with the mob and doing ambushes while they have a meal. He held you closely to him so he can keep you safe as best as he can. Once it stopped, he told you to stay, only to glance when you wouldn't let go of his sleeve. He took your hand, undoing it, assuring you that he will come back and you will be safe. He gave your forehead a quick kiss before he hurried from the table to the back door so he can ambush the men just like he did before with Don Salieri. Once everyone was dead, he ran into the restaurant, yelling your name and that everything is okay now. He pulled you from behind the table before holding you in an embrace that told you everything is okay and he will always protect you before he told you you both have to quickly leave before the cops come.


He and you were at the park, having a late evening walk. As he laughed at something you said, he noticed a man walk over in a hurried, nervous pace so he took your arm and clenched it, knowing this is trouble. He was quick to take your arm and run to a big tree, where he roughly pushed you against it and told you not to move before he reached for his gun and rushed away from where you are so you can be safe. A few gunshots came before Paulie appeared, letting out pants before he let out a laugh, saying if they are sending someone after him, then something serious really happened. He took your hand and both hurried back home, where he told you to pack your things and stay somewhere else for a few weeks until he's sure he's not being followed anymore. He also added for you to take various ways there so you can lose/confuse anyone who is following you.


He was driving you, joking about how he almost forgot how to drive since Tommy always drives him and Paulie everywhere now. As he drove into a street, he saw a car parked with a man pointed a gun so he was quick to curse and back the car up as quickly as he could. When you screamed when the gunshot went, he was quick to look, begging you aren't shocked, relieved when he saw you were safe. He drove like a madman as the car chased you. He drove into a random street, came to a wild stop before he yelled for you to get out and hide in this alley and he will come pick you up later. You tried to speak so he yelled to hurry. Once you were out, he was drove away as quickly as he could. Once he managed to lose them, he waited an hour before he went to pick you up. When he saw you hiding behind some dumpster in an alley, clenching your curled up figure with scared tears, he crouched down before he hugged you, letting out a breath of relief, saying he's sorry for all that and that he's glad you are safe. When you whispered you don't want to get back in the car, he stared before he nod, understanding before he said he will call Tommy to come pick you up and deliver you off at your home.


He and you were coming back from his sister's, both talking when suddenly a man appeared. You didn't think much of it, thought just a stranger on the street, but Vito suddenly snatched your arm and pulled you behind some random parked car. A gun shot went off to where you both stood before. Before you could react, Vito had already pulled out his gun and shot over the car hood to the stranger while his other hand was against your shoulder tightly as if to keep you in place and make sure you are still there. When he had taken the man down, he cursed, angrily asking what the fuck that was. He wouldn't have been so furious if he was alone, but now he had you with him so you could have died and that made him wish to torture whoever send this idiot. He put his gun away before worriedly putting his hands on your shoulders, softly rubbing them, asking you if you are okay. When you nod, he nod back before he decided not to walk home and take this car instead.


He was at a club, just having fun when suddenly a dude pulled a gun out on him so he was quick to smash his beer bottle over their head, cursing as their gun went off and the bullet flew aside him. He stared in shock before his first worry was you, begging they don't harm you so he rushed out the club and to his car so he can wildly drive home. When he arrived, he almost slammed the door off its hinges as he rushed in, yelling your name. When you rushed in, asking what's wrong, he asked you if you are okay. When you nod, confused at what's going on, he just pulled you in a hug, saying that's good to hear before he told you to pack your things. When you asked what, he told you he isn't putting you at risk so just stay at your parents or a friend's place for a few weeks until he's certain they don't know where you live and you are safe.


You were both at a diner, just having a nice talk. As you read the menu, asking him what he wants, he glanced to the waiter only to stare, feeling unsure and unease about this waiter before he told you just a coffee is fine. When you gave your order to the waiter, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes, confused at the little bulge on their hip. He couldn't think more of it when you asked him something, snapping him out of his thinking. When the waiter came back and reached to their hip, his body moved on its own. He stood up, leaning over the table so he could push you down, yelling to get down before he quickly pushed the table over and hid behind it, cursing as a shot went where he previously was. He tugged you behind the table as he tried to pull out his gun as quickly as he could before he aimed and shot. When the waiter hit the floor, he cursed, angrily asking why he can never have a coffee in peace before he asked you if you are okay. When you stared at him, still shocked from what just happened, he softly took your arm and pulled you up, assuring you it's okay now before he hurriedly guided you to the door, saying it's best you both aren't here when the cops arrive.

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