When you ask them to bring an item from the store

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He will add it to the list as he always writes it all down to avoid forgetting anything. Then at store is unsure which brand but takes what his gut is saying it is. If he sees something he thinks you might also like he takes it as well.


He keeps repeating it to himself as he goes to the store, almost making a whole song out of it. But have to give him the brand because otherwise he stands there, staring at all the products, having a crisis over which one you would want so he gets them all to be sure he has at least one good one.


He will ask you the brand's name as he's not risking coming here with the wrong one and then not just having wasted money but also risking an argument. So at the store double checks then gets it. Before he gives it to you he jokes "my payment" so you will give him a kiss then get your item.


He will just go, not writing it down, sure he will remember. And then as he drives home he gets a weird feeling then slaps the steering wheel, cursing "fuck! I forgot the fuck- ugh!". Sometimes he turns back to the store, other times he is too tired to care, knowing he can just get it next time he goes to the store.


Scribbles it down on some ripped paper then leaves. Without the paper... So sometimes he writes it on his hand instead. So once at the store he feels as if he is missing something but keeps going, and once about to step out the store recalls so curses and hurries to get it.


He will write it down to not forget. You don't even have to say the brand, he knows which one you take so he gets the right one. If he sees a new version or something he thinks you migh tlike that is similar he will inform you of it at home so you know and for if you might want to try out more things.

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